Cherry picking 2005 is not good enough we see through your bullshit old man.
There's already a thread on the same subject, you harebrained asshole. Since you don't pay a lot of attention, here it is:this fucking guy is so goddam predictable. Because he thinks it will give him good press while at the same deflecting from Russia and the You May Die Healthcare bill he's responsible for. Lol
Cherry picking 2005 is not good enough we see through your bullshit old man. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
There's already a thread on the same subject, you harebrained asshole. Since you don't pay a lot of attention, here it is:after all they are butt fucking buddies
You should have posted a reply to that thread instead of starting a new one. But that's not good enough for you butthurt attention whores, is it?
Now you should acknowledge for the record that you, StandinWithStupid, belong in the same category as your fellow traveler, StandinStupid:
Because all you fucking idiots do is start spammy troll threads every time your little snowflake brains signal that you haven't been getting enough attention during the previous couple of hours. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
There's already a thread on the same subject, you harebrained asshole. Since you don't pay a lot of attention, here it is:You need to get laid old chap. So much hate and anger flows from you. I guess that's how your parents raised you. You are very uncivilized and act like a vile common thug. It is rather depressing to see you as a white man of privledge act like a cretin.
You should have posted a reply to that thread instead of starting a new one. But that's not good enough for you butthurt attention whores, is it?
Now you should acknowledge for the record that you, StandinWithStupid, belong in the same category as your fellow traveler, StandinStupid:
Because all you fucking idiots do is start spammy troll threads every time your little snowflake brains signal that you haven't been getting enough attention during the previous couple of hours. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
You need to get laid old chap. So much hate and anger flows from you. I guess that's how your parents raised you. You are very uncivilized and act like a vile common thug. It is rather depressing to see you as a white man of privledge act like a cretin. Originally Posted by Sistine ChapelIt's " rather depressing " to see YOU Dindu Nuffins praise Al Sharptongue, Jesse Jackson , Jeremiah Wright and odummer as " civil rights leaders " ! Woncha "AXE " the family of Ferguson's " gentle giant and choir boy " Mike Brown how much " help " they got from those " civil rights leaders " .
this fucking guy is so goddam predictable. Because he thinks it will give him good press while at the same deflecting from Russia and the You May Die Healthcare bill he's responsible for. Lol
Cherry picking 2005 is not good enough we see through your bullshit old man. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You need to get laid old chap. So much hate and anger flows from you. I guess that's how your parents raised you. You are very uncivilized and act like a vile common thug. It is rather depressing to see you as a white man of privledge (sic) act like a cretin. Originally Posted by Sistine ChapelI get laid plenty often, you pathetic loser. Probably a lot more often than you do.
There's already a thread on the same subject, you harebrained asshole. Since you don't pay a lot of attention, here it is:
You should have posted a reply to that thread instead of starting a new one. But that's not good enough for you butthurt attention whores, is it?
Now you should acknowledge for the record that you, StandinWithStupid, belong in the same category as your fellow traveler, StandinStupid:
Because all you fucking idiots do is start spammy troll threads every time your little snowflake brains signal that you haven't been getting enough attention during the previous couple of hours. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
+1You've got a deal.
Lol... I was going to bitch-slap the little snowflake, but you beat me to it. We should take turns Originally Posted by lustylad
this fucking guy is so goddam predictable. Because he thinks it will give him good press while at the same deflecting from Russia and the You May Die Healthcare bill he's responsible for. Lol
Cherry picking 2005 is not good enough we see through your bullshit old man. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel