Twitler writes a check with his mouth that his ass can't cash.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
March 24, 2017 6:30 PM EDT - President Trump promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act “immediately” and “on Day 1” while on the campaign trail. But now, he claims he never said he'd get health care reform done quickly. (Peter Stevenson / The Washington Post)
He said it would be easy.

He said it would be quick.

He even said it would happen on the same day.

He was full of shit. And an utter novice.

And still is.
bambino's Avatar
You're an utter pig. Your people disowned you because you're a lazy, slovenly, stupid, cocksucking PIG.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Excellent commentary, EATLER. Apparently, Twitler's pathological and outrageous lies mean nothing to you. These were among the biggest and least realistic of his campaign promises.

But what do you do? OINK!!!!

What happened to DonTcare?