i dont wanna go, but i must, i have less than 24 hours in houston...and that sucks and blows! ill hyave my laptop up until they pry it from my fingers...damn...damndamn..dam n!
Well, my next chapter to this book, epic saga. whatever... BestOral goes to Reality! stay tuned ... this buds for you! fuck! i am not conforming, but we will see what they do to me, twisted fucks they are in reality!
Please do not keep opening these thread's. You might not be including pricing or anything but your still bumping your dates back and asking for gents to come see you because you are leaving soon. It is unfair to not only our local ladies but the traveling ones as well. I will leave this one open since I feel you are just stating your fare well.
sofia...u are a classless, flashy, attention hungry, talentless waste of flesh.
if i was u, i woulda did humanity a favor, and myself and committed the ultimate attention getter,,,suicide.
atleast this animal has a soul, and not everyone in the hobby hates me.
if you were on fire, i wouldn't piss on u to extinguish it, and neither would any1 else.
Or so you think......Thanks for noticing my flashy style....Just post an ad like the rest of them already. This is dull....Your online so your not sucking, although you do suck....You suck in a way I have never seen anyone suck....You actually suck the most!
Talentless, that's funny. How could I afford my "flashy" life if I were so talentless? The waste of flesh is attached to your body , not mine...Spinning works for weight loss. Maybe that way your reviews would be better...In the looks department....
Wow recommending suicide, now that's something a truly classy person would recommend....Your good at one thing, stick to it.....
"This dance ain't for everybody, only us sexy people" . Those are the lyrics to a song....Just so ya know....