No reported busts in over a month? !

Was it getting to be so many one after another that we all got tired and just stopped posting them. Or did LE finally take a breather from what seemed like a 2 yr straight rampage on this business???

Did all the alerts every darn few days apart keep the visitors away..It sure kept me from getting a place here full time.

Well Thursday Evening about 9 near the horseshoe down the street at a nearby hotel. I saw something well my client saw something...Not sure what it was could of been domestic violence could of been girls fighting who knows?
I'm not sure where or how to search the places to find out if it was an arrest again for the business.

they didn't slow down on there rampage cause BP shut down there (BAD) Section?? The time line does fit....
Just wondering...Not complaining cause if it truly stopped GREAT JOB.....IF MEMBERS JUST STOPPED POSTING ABOUT IT That's a sad day...
The less discussed the better. Let the sleeping dog lie.
sketchpad's Avatar
Could be any number of things.

All the possibilities you mentioned are valid.

There is also a new chief of police and it could be that Crump has a different set of priorities than Shaw did. I doubt it but it is possible.

And with things going on like that manhunt yesterday for that escaped murderer from Ouachita and also that other guy who was breaking into local restaurants and stealing cash registers (you know real criminals...) they might have been a little busy.

Give them enough time and I'm sure that they'll remember that you're using your own body how you want to without their permission. Then the arrests will start again.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
There were 7 arrests in the past week. I don't post alerts anymore unless I know they are targeted eccie or P411 stings. I still watch, but there has been sooo much posted, publicly and in the ladies area, about how to screen and stay safe, I guess I figured there is enough info out there...visitors just need to do their due diligence before visiting