Bill and prostitutes

Bobave's Avatar
Pictured is Bill and Acacia sometime in the last year in Florida. The article takes pains to say he's not related to the story. lol
Attached Images File Type: jpg Bill and Acacia.jpg (29.0 KB, 290 views)
  • jwood
  • 03-31-2017, 07:57 PM
Slick Willie
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe they went cigar shopping.
That was her twitter picture? That is awesome!
Mmm .... CBJ or BBBJ....hmmmm
Give the man a little slack. How would you like to go home to Hillary?? Go Bill and enjoy the few years you have remaining.
Pictured is Bill and Acacia sometime in the last year in Florida. The article takes pains to say he's not related to the story. lol Originally Posted by Bobave
Bill must not be happy at home to hire prostitute.I think prostitution should be legal all states.Stop wasting tax payers money.Setting up stings and consending adults to jail.Go fight real crime.Everybody pay for it everyday.Nothing free in life.
Sex can actually be free. I've seen it.

It probably won't happen for me.

But I've seen it happen.

I mean, I didn't see the actual sex part, but I know that it happened and the guy did not pay for anything. I don't think they went on a date, or anything.

That's the difference between a whore and a prostitute. Whores have sex for free.

I've no idea how relationships work, but I'm fairly confident I won't experience one.
At least she's a grown woman of legal age.
Washington dc. The deviant capital of the world filled with the truly sick and depraved unfortunately those are the ones in power and they're activities are pretty much ignored.
I've been around a few professional politicians and have witnessed them jonesing for power. Much deeper illness than pussy jonesing. Incurable.
What gets me is when any of their deviant behaviors are brought to light it is either deemed fake news or hushed up and legitimized by the legal system. Where they should be focussing on is those involved in things like the pizzagate scandal which i truly believe to be true. Instead the focus is misdirected away from the true crimes.. Then again how would they go after their own bosses especially when everyone that has stepped forward to testify or investigate it has either been mugged and killed or has committed suicide.
Thats why I believe the ones releasing the emails texts etc. Was actually on the investigation teams that seen these horrific acts thought they were as horrific as.the rest of us do and realized they would put their families and their lives in danger if they tried to do anything about them not to mention the information and evidence would just vanish ..
bamscram's Avatar
Maybe they will make an Viagra commercial.
Known connoisseur of floozies, bimbos, hookers and close friend of a convicted pedophile whose island "getaway" he and the Hilldawg frequented many times.
He was seen posing for a picture with a couple of brothel girls not too long ago.
Well, there was that whole 'Hookers for Hillary' (barf) movement throughout the Nevada brothels. Maybe he was ust campaigning for his wifey, lol...