How much info is a hobbyist entitled to

How much info is a hobbyist entitled to? I recently had to have surgery for a non hobby related issue. I had a client that got a bit pissy about why I wouldn't book an appointment for a certain date. I told him that it was a medical issue and left it at that but he really pressured me on the whole thing until I told him what it was I had going on. If I can provide recent testing results for things that affect a client does a client have a right to want to know non hobby related medical info? The only reason I even told him was for fear that he would take the little i had said and it snowball in back channels to be something crazy. What is your opinion on this?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
How much info is a hobbyist entitled to? Originally Posted by HeatherNicole
As much as you feel is appropriate to tell him. No more.

The individual (he is certainly not a "gentleman") of whom you speak is a boor and a jerk. I think you'd be totally justified in putting him on your list of "hobbyists I'd pay to go fuck off and die".


I think you'd be totally justified in putting him on your list of "hobbyists I'd pay to go fuck off and die". Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

ROFLMAO never heard that one before. May I use it at some point. To me it is just that their are clients that i dont consider clients i consider them friends. Those people I would share info like that with because i know their concern rests in more than what is between my legs. For others well I just dont feel its fair to be pressured about it. I certainly wouldn't do that to them.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Lovely Lady:

BCG is correct in everything he said in this case as I understand it. If a lady told me that she had a medical issue, I'd ask if it had been satisfactorily resolved, but I'd never press her to know what it was. There are a few ladies who I consider to be friends, and I suspect they'd tell me what was going on, but that would be their choice.

No one has the right to demand private information.

Sister, just hang up on his nosey ass! CLICK or tell him you have a severe case of nunya

Some things are personal, if he is any kind of grntleman, he should respect that.
He's not entitled to any info, fluidity is the key to this hobby. If your schedules don't fit move on and try again later. Privacy is Safety
Thank you Gambler575