‘Slut walk’

offshoredrilling's Avatar
(04/03/2011)Sunday to protest a Toronto police officer’s comment that women could avoid rape if they didn’t dress like “sluts,” (from)

also see this from shedoesthecity.com slut walk

“Whatever we wear, wherever we go, yes means yes, and no means no,” the crowd chanted. So I guess we just have to ask, and hope for a yes.

All I know is we need more "TOP FREE SEVEN" protests in Rochester.

With the warmer weather coming not sure I would rather have a Top Free protest or a Slut Walk. mmmm both!
jokacz's Avatar
Youd think this guy would have waited till June or July to make those comments..Im as in favor for a "SLUT WALK" as the next guy, but for Christs Sakes, if ones gonna break out lets do it when its warm enough to have them actually dress the part.What the WHOOOLLLLEEYYY HELL!!is the matter with some people??..
I do understand the "context" of what they are trying to say but If they think that dressing provacatively and walking is going to end the tierany and get men to stop thinking of sex when they see a good looking women dressed sexily than they are waaay off base.. But please do try it at least.. PLEASE> LOL
My point is this when a women sees a man in a three piece suit that costs $1000 or more and some nice $300 shoes,, what does she think.??? and If she is honest she will think wow look looking guy and RICH..... HMM maybe I will bump into him on purpose.... ITS ALL HUMAN NATURE PEOPLE....
Its said that men think about sex an average of 28 times an hour.. SO it doesnt really matter what you gals are wearing.. Hell I can see a women in a bag and think about having sex with her.. MEN>>> were all pigs.