There has been a lot of controversial threads and banter going on, back and forth, the last few days in Coed. As usual, it was started by the "Usual Suspects" for both their entertainment and to test the waters on some questions they had.
Just curious about all this. Has this banter helped with your business? There is that old saying that there is No Good or Bad News, So Long as They Spell Your Name Correctly.
Are your calls and inquiries up this week? Have you heard from new hobbyists pulled into the discussions? Have you heard from regulars who were reminded that it had been a while since you last met? And so forth.
Let us know if business is up, down or about the same.
Please feel free to provide comments and opinion about what a quiet/stale Coed or an active/vibrant/controversial Coed Forum does for your business.
All the Best,