Not screening, backpage, and other risky behavior from some new faces...

MajicPlayground's Avatar
So I've gotten several messages about some new faces in our town. Concern that these new ladies are not screening (I did check with the other ladies and none of us have received reference requests from Several of these new ladies), and are advertising on backpage.
It's also come to me that there have been an unusually high number of NCNS and last minute cancellations.
All this is telling me that there are new faces who may not know the history of the past 2 years in SBC.

Ladies....if you are not actually CHECKING refs, and/or you are using backpage to are a risk to ALL OF US. You become a target of local LE and when, not if, you get arrested, your phone and any other electronics are subject to search and/or siezure. THIS IS HOW WEASELS14 GOT APPROACHED....his was not a hobby phone and it was traced RIGHT TO HIS HOME, leading to a sting attempt that we caught before any eccie ladies were caught. It was an ATTEMPT because we all worked together and communication between several of us led us to figuring it out.

Gents....when you NCNS or cancel last minute you create a situation for a lady as she tries to recoup the loss you caused. This often leads to sloppy or nonexistent screening....again, a risk to all of us.

So please, SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me or one of the other top shelf ladies for help. This isnt Dallas....we don't undercut, we don't try to take clients....we Share and we look out for our sisters in the hobby. If you like, ask around....many of the long standing gents can vouch for any one of us and the fact that we are safe and legit.

And fyi....getting a gent to send you a PM is NOT could be (and HAS BEEN) a cop who got a password from someone who got caught or rolled. We match certain things to ensure our safety.

All this being said, I for one will NOT see gents who are not safe, nor will I provide refs for those gents going forward. If I know youve given any real info to those ladies playing unsafe...and yes, I am WELL AWARE of who they are, then please do not use me for a ref with anyone...I don't want a target on my head, thanks! And to the ladies who are risking themselves and the rest of us...yes I know who you are And from here forward, I will suggest to ALL my clients that they stay away from you and your unsafe practices.

A few of us have reached out to offer screening help and one particular seasonally named lady has been telling some gents that we have not or have been rude....girl, consider this your notice...not much happens that one of us doesn't find out. And I go for the truth and THEN the jugular.

Y'all have a nice weekend and play safe!!

Words of wisdom right there!!
Cassmann's Avatar
Why I stick with my local girls!!! Cuz I Know for a Fact, yall are all Safe!!! I've tried to set up with 2 out of towners, and one canceled on me cuz I questioned her verifing! So untill I know that out of towners, or the Seasonally named girl Does check refs, I will stay away, as I NEED my locals and don't want them to Not see me!!
Said before and keep saying, LOVE my locals!!!!
Ok, so the locals are loved,and all of us "real" providers understand that. But the out of town providers that are the real deal, such as myself, would think that you guys would understand that there are "real" providers outside of your city as well. And we all love Shreveport too! I myself am from Dallas but I have traveled our glorious map from side to side and top to bottom, and I've EARNED many stellar reviews along the way. I was told from some local gentlemen, that Shreveport needed more ladies like myself. So I brought some friends here and finally succeeded in getting them approved on Eccie and preffered411. I put my name behind these ladies and stand firm behind that. I was quite surprised when, the provider that originally posted this "majicplayground", contacted one of my friends, Lalasosweet18,
and told her that because she was one of the new girls to town, she's not screening at all and working on backpage too, then Lalasowett18 needed to contact her so she could teach her how to screen properly. She then said that if my friend didn't do this, then she's going to assume that she doesn't want to work in " her town ", and she'll notify the other locals. And what the hell does that mean? She just assumed that because my friend is one of the new girls and on BP, that she's not screening. I want to be clear about this, I would NEVER vouch for any provider, if I didn't know personally, that she's not screening. I teach all my friends the rules. And I thought the moderators made decisions like that, not providers?
Oh trinity, I love traveling girls too. Got some great ATF traveling girls.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Meow!! Meow!!
MajicPlayground's Avatar
I won't apologize for wanting to keep them out of jail.
I don't expect you to apologize, nor do I want it! You didn't contact her with "genuine concern", it was more like " ulterior motive". It was a scare tactic to get her off of "your city". That's a Bully move from a veteran to a rookie and it's not the way we are supposed to treat each other! As a veteran on this site, you should know that. These girls look up to us and your delivering the wrong message miss lady!!
MajicPlayground's Avatar
I have reached out to many ladies offering screening info...and yes, THIS city does require a special kind of screening Because of the targeted operations that are run here... publicly and privately... and then I posted this thread. Followed with a brief PM to several ladies. All of whom responded back and one of whom I spoke to and reassured that this actually IS a safe and profitable town to play in...IF you screen. Not screening risks everyone, not just the lady who decides it's not worth her effort.

So did I come across heavy handed? Maybe. Then again, I'm a Yankee, not a bakery....I don't sugarcoat the truth.

ANYone who knows me, and you obviously don't, knows I try really hard to help new ladies and gents, and that I always support Safe, Legit visiting ladies. In fact I put a lot of extra time and effort into helping anyone i can.

So I guess we simply have a difference in perspective. I stand by mine.
Hey I respect this site and everyone who uses it properly! What I don't get is how local providers feel they can handle these new girls like that. It was a Bully move honey, and you made her feel uncomfortable, not eager for you to teach her anything, and it was because of the way you handled it. I have some local providers telling how you do this so it just needs to be addressed. Your but a moderator, your an equal. I stand my behind mine as well!
Your not a moderator, your an equal
MajicPlayground's Avatar
So I ask you this....would you accept a PM from a hobbyist as enough screening? If so, then no, I DONT consider you a safe player. Furthermore, I would consider you a Risk...first to yourself, then to any hobbyist whose number you may have in your possession, and ripple effect out to other ladies who visit or live here.
How do I know this? Personal Experience. And I learned from it, and share what I learned.

With the recent influx of new ladies to the board since the BP flare-up, it seemed smart to reinforce the safety. Again, if I sounded heavy handed in my PM, I apologize. I am a Yankee and I was short on time. My first concern is always for everyone to have fun but to think of safety and screening.

DallasRain's Avatar
Good osts..screening is vital for safe and comfortable playtimes....afterall we are all "outlaws" here and should WANT to stay safe
VipAhyanaJames's Avatar
SCREEN! SCREEN! SCREEN! & then double check. i have no problem seeking reference checks from ladies anywhere on eccie. (i don't advertise on BP) I am currently visiting Monroe and just checked a reference for a guy claiming to be a newbie and found out that it was a fake and unverifiable situation.
newbies are just too much of a risk these days.