Disrespectful clients!

I don't usually post on here and also hate drama! What's up with this man when they get rejected they trying to make up stories, lies, and being disrespectful! I just think every provider in this site has a right to block or say no if the hobbyist didn't show up on the said appointment! I can say that I am a good provider based on my Reviews. I take good care of my clients as I believe they deserve it. I just hate immature people and disrespectful one. I am a sensitive woman and I get hurt and has feelings too. Providers are not a freaking Robot!!!
You have a PM.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
I have no idea what the situation is here, but if we ever meet I can assure you Honey,
We will be making love and not just going through the motions...because like you said, Providers are not robots! I always try to achieve the ultimate in intimacy as well as pleasure
Starz's Avatar
  • Starz
  • 04-08-2017, 12:14 AM
Right?! Especially the creepy ones who make "fake reviews" saying they saw you when in reality they never did. Smh I feel you. It's childish
What I meant by "I'm not a robot" Is I had feelings. I had a Clients that I've seen twice and made appointment. This happened on feb 20. I've waited 5 hours Before our appointment because he is driving back from Corpus Christi. The time on our appointment he didn't response no call or no msg at all! I've texted him and told him that I've regretted waiting and giving him appointment! I block him on my phone and he then message me thru
Eccie saying he's sorry about the last time and that he is going to reimburse me blah blah. I unblock him and had a conversation thru phone and I said that I'm still not sure if I'll give him appointment again because of what he have done before. He probably didn't like my response but I just believe every provider has right to refuse or Deny someone if they mess up! I take care all of my regulars And would just love to meet them than a new one. But I also give chance to new gents on the board as long as they meet my requirements. Anyway, after
Talking to him, he then disrespect me by posting on Eccie men's lounge about turning me down and talking about gang bang shit! He probably trying to make his self feel better by lying on board about turning me down Because
The truth is I refuse to see him. I mean why would he start a conversation on board about lies and being immature? I tried not to post on Eccie because I tried to avoid drama! But since he is pushing my button I think I have right to post who is he. He is a no call no show Eccie member and I never had any problem with my clients except all those guys that I refuse to give appointment then start making up stories on board! I am not sure if I am allowed to post his Eccie handle here.
@ bbq guy I woul love to give you an unforgettable session love.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Knowledge of what is posted in the men's room and posting said knowledge is not allowed by providers. Please see my PM to you and answer ASAP.
Phrasing's Avatar
CK bringing down the hammer!
Ru-oh Raggy!
xJTxSOA's Avatar
So when you say you take care of your regulars, what exactly does that mean?
Thanks for the question xJTxSOA I don't have a lot of clients, my regulars that I had keep
Coming back to see me at least twice or thrice a week, each of them.
So I believe they coming bck because I take good care their needs, and it's not all about their needs as well, I think it's because I respect them and they respect me and I treat them not a client but my lover.
Hi there lady, is the a chance for you to come out here back to El Paso. Would love to me you. Mike
"I can say that I am a good provider"

I concur, you're an awesome provider I haven't posted a review but I will if you like. We should have lunch at that Korean restaurant we spoke about next time you're in ep