For some reason he hasn't took the lady up on her offer of a freebie.... Since he is known to be rather selfish between the sheets she is really not missing anything.......
Being a good friend... I offered to let her give ME the Freebie and I will tell him about it....
Because we are friends and I would do that for him.....
I kinda dislike where freebies tend to go ...So maybe I should give her a "tip".....
......and since he KNOWS I never tip he will be totally convinced I got his freebie.....
But since I typically do not tip for sessions.... What would an adequate tip BE for doing his freebie for him?
Ladies? If you GiVE a freebie and a guy insisits on tipping does it insult the gesture you made?
Guys? If you GET a Freebie do ever feel obligated to toss her a few bucks? Maybe for gas or something?
Do you at least use your OWN condoms or do you expect her to provide those as well?
Who pays for the hotel room?
If you have dinner before do you go dutch?
At what point is it no longer a "Freebie"?....
I want to do this right to be sure I don't screw it up....
After all.... I'm getting HIS freebie....