Fiestaaaa Siestaaaa woo hoo!

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Hope everyone has a safe fiesta and dnt forget Taxi cabs are free for the first 10 bucks .. AVAILABLE ALL WEEK~SPECIALS~853~839fiveeee
Happy Fiesta to you too! What's everyone going to do this year?
camodeuce's Avatar
Happy Fiesta to you too! What's everyone going to do this year? Originally Posted by Likinikki
Hopefully stay outta jail.
Camodeuce...that's a pretty good idea!! Btw, is this the rest of your avatar? (lol)

blaktygre's Avatar
Not sure but there will be alcohol involved..and a
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-07-2011, 10:38 PM
Hope everyone has a safe fiesta and dnt forget Taxi cabs are free for the first 10 bucks .. AVAILABLE ALL WEEK~SPECIALS~853~839fiveeee Originally Posted by Sweet Lexxxi dd's

Use VIA's Park and Ride if you are heading to any of the downtown events. The money you save from not parking downtown will pay your way down there and back for two or even three of you.
happy fiesta to all... dont drink and drive... be safe.

licks and kisses
Zen090's Avatar
I work about 2 blocks away from market and 4 away from NIOSA so I will be spending some time at both next week. The good thing for me is that I dont have to pay $10-15 for parking .