This evening I was getting prepared to see someone. Now I had already been screened by her and she texts me back and says it will be later tonight and gives me a time range when she can see me. I agree no issues so I make sure my RW life does not interfere and get things ready for my rendezvous.
I ask her when she can confirm exactly what time I should expect her and she informs me "soon". "soon" comes and goes and its all quiet. The time range she gave me as to when we could meet comes and goes and not a peep from her. I even send her a note saying if we need to reschedule that was fine just let me know.
Why do providers think its ok to do this to us hobbyists? If you cant make it or something comes up just be a professional and say so but instead they like to leave us dangling. Can someone on the provider side might have a logical reason or explanation.
This seems to be happening more and more with indy's the only place that seems to be consistent at keeping their appointments are the studios.
I understand that real life happens and that is fine but let a brother know and not leave him dangling where he cant execute a backup plan.