I wonder what Whisper's mom was like? What happened to him? He reminds me of The Grinch Who Hated Hoes.
Some of the characters on here remind me of a soap opera... As ECCIE Turns...Where the bitches like 3day , Observing, Fark twat are older and uglier than Erica Cain.
I don't care what anyone thinks, I kinda find humpty and the recent Buddy funny. I wonder what Buddy's Place is REALLY like.
In all my hooger years I still can't believe a dude finally took a dump in my incall. The phantom pooper finally struck! Yass!
Why do they call him, "Coach Paul?!" It's like a porno name someone on Boogie Nights has.
Will Sixxipoo ever come back? Will the real pussy mafia ever reunite?
If they do, I wonder if they'll do a reunion tour?
For fucks sake, can we please trade Whispers and SL in for Toys? Because "Dammit, SL, you just aren't funny."
Will Knottyman ever run out of Jiff? Will Kingman ever get shot? By an airsoft gun of course?
Will I ever get provider of the day? I'm approaching my 50th year here on eccie. I'm as old as a fucking dinosaur. Sheez. They should just give me a complimentary plaque or something by now.
Will another mod besides ynoty ever point me?
Is someone ever going to pay my rent?
What does 37.50 REALLY mean?