Saw a great license plate on the way home

Was driving home yesterday and saw a decent looking woman driving an older car but then I noticed the plate.

BNG 2407

Seen lots of state BNG issued plates but amazed I ran into that one.
jj_cool's Avatar
I bet 99% of motorists would never notice the underlying acronym, including the driver.
Was driving home yesterday and saw a decent looking woman driving an older car but then I noticed the plate.

BNG 2407

Seen lots of state BNG issued plates but amazed I ran into that one.
Originally Posted by Chief62
That poor woman is gonna wonder why the same drooling (monger ) guy is always following her !
She had the lips for it.
Lots of unfortunate license plates I've been seeing. I've seen SJW and HSV.
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 05-02-2017, 12:27 PM
I dated a lady who had plates that started with DTF.. I couldn't wait to find out.