This is where the revolution is being planned. On board David Geffen's half a billion dollar, 454 feet long yacht near Polynesia (outside US waters). Oprah, Geffen, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks, and the Obamas are all planning the next chapter of the Deep State. Bruce is the pop culture component which he has demonstrated with his latest song of protest against Trump. Tom Hanks is the reasonable moderate face of liberalism with his reputation as a good man with a string of good movies. Geffen is the billionaire financier. The Obamas (where are their daughters?) are the head of operations for the Deep State. Finally, Oprah is the defacto candiate for the White House in 2020. She's likeable (for some reason), she's a billionaire herself, she's black and she have a sizable vagina (she may even be a lesbian).