let's Go FISHING mobile

Night fishing anyone??
Or early morning..
I'm visiting so I don't have any equipment...

Give me a call...
My last fishing partner here as gone off the grid ....I need a replacement fisherman anyone game??
Baldwinboy's Avatar
Not a good weekend for fishing, the wind is blowing, tornado watches are looming, and the last I heard recently the fishing sucked.
I only have one POLE.lol
Lots of sewage spills lately. Hate the smell of sewage. Better off visiting some pretty, smell great flowers. Plus, fish? ugh. Only on an amzazing taco plate.
Well no fishing that trip weather and the fact the peer I went to last time doesn't exist anymore WOW ALL BEACH NO PEER TO FISH OFF OF...
I'll be back find a spot somewhere
Vivian Gates's Avatar
I know this os an older post.. But if any gents wanna fish with me... Im in town