42 Reasons You Know Your From Arkansas

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42 reasons you are from Arkansas
“Vacation” means goin’ through Harrison on the way to Branson.
Down South, to you, means Louisiana.
You have no problem spelling or pronouncin’ Ouachita or Possum Grape.
You know what Toad Suck and Booger Holler are.
Your idea of a really great tenderloin is when the meat is twice as big as the bun and comes with cole slaw on top.
You say catty-wampus and tumped over.
Pulaski County is considered a foreign or exotic place.
You consider being a “Beef Queen” an honor.
You faithfully drink Pepsi, Mt. Dew, or Dr. Pepper everyday of your life.
You know what a “cow drop” is.
You have your own secret bbq sauce.
You know how to snipe hunt.
You or your neighbors have more hunting dogs than you have family members.
You visit the Arkansas State Fair mainly to see your neighbor’s prize chicken.
You’ve been invited to or had a bunkin’ party.
You’d rather be No. 1 in football than No. 1 in education.
You think that recycling means riding your bike down the same old path.
You think orange barrels are really part of the interstate system.
When the forecast calls for an inch of snow, you run out with all the other crazies to stand in line for three hours to buy a month’s worth of groceries. You drink sweet iced tea out of a sports bottle.
Your traditional Thanksgiving dinner is a deep-fried turkey.
You call a shopping cart a buggy.
You see “No Hunting” signs are riddled with bullet holes.
You think “Animal House” is the training film for incoming athletes at the University of Arkansas
The three food groups are Velveeta, pork rinds and a six-pack.
Everyone you think of as a “liberal” is either Methodist or Catholic.
You think that Bill Clinton is a lyin’, cheatin’ sumbitch, but you’d still vote for him again in a heartbeat because he’s OUR lyin’ cheatin’ sumbitch.
You’ve “offered” someone an “ass-whoopin’. “
When you give directions they include “over yonder,” “down the road a piece,” and “right near.”
You’re not commitment-phobic: you love God, guns and football.
You’d rather have a Budweiser beer museum than a presidential library.
You think pinto beans are nekkid without hamhocks, cornbread and buttermilk.
Sweet milk and torn up biscuits in a glass is your favorite dessert.
You think bagels are nothing but a cruel doughnut joke invented by some Yankee!
You eat at Senor Tequila’s for atmosphere and Lolita’s Tex-Mex for salsa.
You say, “I voted for Clinton to get him out of the state.”
You own three cars and one license plate.
Milk with light bread mixed together in a glass are a treat.
All flying insects are known as SKEETERS.
You are running the heat in the morning and the AC in the afternoon.
You eat everything from a pig except the squeel.
You take up a whole page talking trash about your own state!
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Arkansas.
The hood of your truck is higher than the roof of your trailer...

oh sorry, wrong state.

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In southern Arkansas, you think anyone who lives north of I-40 is a yankee.
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"How 'bout them Hogs" is a common phrase around your house.
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Giving back to your community is leaving your open pack of cigarettes on the bar when you leave.
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You think "loading the dishwasher" means getting your wife drunk
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They're not the nicest sentiments but I've heard these two.

Arkansas, where Deliverance is a love story and Quest for Fire is a fun documentary.
You wish you could have a "Bunkin' Party" with Ginger!

Or, if you have anything you need to "sale" or something that "needs cleaned."
if possess more firearms than teeth, most likely from Arkansas.
if you consider graduate work begin after sixth grade, you might be from Arkansas.
If you have more than one child conceived in a stripclub you might be from Arkansas.
If you think aged whiskey comes from Mason jars with rusty lids...
If you go inside to play with your dogs but outside to use the bathroom...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
If You've ever been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog
If You've ever been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
HA!!!! I know someone that has ...does that count?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
HA!!!! I know someone that has ...does that count? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Sure does Ginger!! LOL

The dog catcher calls for a backup unit when visiting your house
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You wear pajamas while shopping at Wally World.