voter fraud commission

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

trump starts one with Kobach in charge of it.

from what I'm reading it, no one has actually ever did an election audit of this scale on voter fraud in the USA.

so, that's good, we'll know for sure how much fraud there was.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

accusation that Kobach is a vote fraud fraudster. boo hoo.
bamscram's Avatar
Kobach is as bat shit crazy as Trump.
They make a perfect pair.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He'll never give it up.

Maybe he should pay for it out of his own pocket.
goodman0422's Avatar
Maybe its just me but if there was wide scale voter fraud, I would want to know about it.

Some Americans might say this is as important as foreign interference as either puts the legitimacy of an election in question.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-16-2017, 10:36 AM
Maybe its just me but if there was wide scale voter fraud, I would want to know about it.

Some Americans might say this is as important as foreign interference as either puts the legitimacy of an election in question. Originally Posted by goodman0422
And some would say scattered voter fraud is really just an excuse the GOP uses for their ultimate goal of voter suppression.

Kinda like what they are doing now with sex trafficking. They have to say it is rampant so they can really go after trying to shut down prostitution as a whole. No pun intended.
He'll never give it up.

Maybe he should pay for it out of his own pocket. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
" Maybe he should pay for it out of his own pocket ". Just like YOU lying liberals should pay for all of the illegals that YOU have used as a votr base for all of these years and pay for THEm out of YOUR own pockets. Them and the muzzie " refugees " that shrilLIARy wanted to bring over by the hundred-thousands ! Mebbe they could help YOU down at the 'holes !
  • DSK
  • 05-16-2017, 04:16 PM
And some would say scattered voter fraud is really just an excuse the GOP uses for their ultimate goal of voter suppression.

Kinda like what they are doing now with sex trafficking. They have to say it is rampant so they can really go after trying to shut down prostitution as a whole. No pun intended. Originally Posted by WTF
Although I disagree with you on the topic of fraudulent voting, I agree they are dressing up ordinary prostitution as sex trafficking to make their jobs seem more heroic. Sad
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

still think voter fraud is non-existent????

voter fraud in a sheriffs race in florida
Putnam County elections officials said Monday they have now purged 16 people from the voter rolls who cast fraudulent ballots in last fall’s election. The news comes as a judge weighs the fate of an election contest lawsuit that challenges the legitimacy of Sheriff Homer “Gator” DeLoach’s election in a race decided by 16 votes. The case went to trial April 12. The lawsuit was filed by Jonathan Kinney, who lost after multiple recounts after unofficial election night returns had him ahead by 18 votes. It says 42 ballots cast by ineligible voters, from non-residents and felons to dead people, undermined the integrity of the election...Carolyn Faunce, chief deputy to Overturf, confirmed that officials have removed six voters, including five felons and a man deemed incompetent by the court system, in addition to the 10 felons previously detailed at trial.
voter fraud in North Carolina
An investigation by the N.C. Board of Elections has found that 508 voters who cast ballots last November weren’t eligible to vote – and the vast majority of them were felons serving active sentences. The State Board of Elections released the audit report Friday in response to public records requests and a request from members of Congress. The report says that 441 voters appear to have been serving active felony sentences on Election Day – many of them on probation. Convicted felons can vote in North Carolina only after completing their sentences, including any probation and parole. In addition, the investigation found 41 non-citizens who cast ballots, 24 voters who voted twice and two people who falsely voted using the name of a family member who’d recently died.

How much fraud are "anti-suppression" activists willing to tolerate in the name of preserving voting rights? Don't legitimate voters have the right to not have their ballot canceled out by an illegitimate tally?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-16-2017, 07:20 PM

How much fraud are "anti-suppression" activists willing to tolerate in the name of preserving voting rights? Don't legitimate voters have the right to not have their ballot canceled out by an illegitimate tally?
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

That is a good question.....but when states try and shorten the time we can vote that sounds like voter supression.

If you look at the amount of voter supression vs. voter fraud, it does not take a rocket science to figure out which effect the most voters and by a long shot.
Still not understanding why Trump isn't making Michigan the top voter fraud priority. If anyone remembers, during the last elections some precincts had more voters than votes and others had more votes than voters. They had to stop the recount because it was so fishy.
bamscram's Avatar
Didn't Trump win Michigan? Voter fraud?
Not Detroit dumbshit. That's were most of the voter fraud occurred. Most other Michigan counties had a perfect vote to voter count.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Half of Detroit votes may be ineligible for recount

Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

Hillary won Detroit by 95% to trump's 3%.
bamscram's Avatar
Still not understanding why Trump isn't making Michigan the top voter fraud priority. If anyone remembers, during the last elections some precincts had more voters than votes and others had more votes than voters. They had to stop the recount because it was so fishy. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not Detroit dumbshit. That's were most of the voter fraud occurred. Most other Michigan counties had a perfect vote to voter count. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Then why didn't you say Detroit shit for brains?