Former FBI Chief Robert Mueller Namd Special Council To Trump/Russian Link

The Democrats and Main Stream Media are downright giddy. I'm watching CNN right now. They might bring out a cake and champagne any moment.

Be careful what you wish for. This means a real investigation will now take place. This means he will investigate EVERYTHING.

President Trump knows he did not collude with the Russians. He knows that the Democrats will not accept any recommendation short of Trump Collusion.

When Mueller comes back with the no evidence of collusion verdict, he will go from being a well respected, above reproach servant of the people to a pawn of Trump.

President Trump will come out of this clean. The Democrats will look to be the fools they are.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-17-2017, 05:20 PM

The Democrats and Main Stream Media are downright giddy.

Be careful what you wish for. This means a real investigation will now take place. This means he will investigate EVERYTHING.

President Trump knows he did not collude with the Russians. He knows that the Democrats will not accept any recommendation short of Trump Collusion.

When Mueller comes back with the no evidence of collusion verdict, he will go from being a well respected, above reproach servant of the people to a pawn of Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie you should change your name to Miss Chloe!

Look....i think the GOP wpuld love to be rid of Trump and have Pence installed as Pres.

Fuck, I think Trump would like that to happen!

Pence as President would be a blow to the Dems 2020 chance of regaining the WH. imho

Jackie you should change your name to Miss Chloe!

Look....i think the GOP wpuld love to be rid of Trump and have Pence installed as Pres.

Fuck, I think Trump would like that to happen!

Pence as President would be a blow to the Dems 2020 chance of regaining the WH. imho

. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not being a psychic, just a realist.

Keep in mind, this takes the politics out of it. It shuts everybody up. If anybody leaks classified info, they will answer to the Special Council. If Chucky Schumer and Maxine Waters start spouting off, he can tell them to shut up.

I'm not sure he can tell President Trump to stop the tweeting. He is, after all, the President.

The best thing for President Trump is now he can go about his day job of being President. The worst thing for a Democrats is President Trump can now go about his day job being President. That's the last thing they want.

The President just might get something done.
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  • WTF
  • 05-17-2017, 06:31 PM
Well maybe if he would quit tweeting, he'd get more done...

The Democrats and Main Stream Media are downright giddy. I'm watching CNN right now. They might bring out a cake and champagne any moment.

Be careful what you wish for. This means a real investigation will now take place. This means he will investigate EVERYTHING.

President Trump knows he did not collude with the Russians. He knows that the Democrats will not accept any recommendation short of Trump Collusion.

When Mueller comes back with the no evidence of collusion verdict, he will go from being a well respected, above reproach servant of the people to a pawn of Trump.

President Trump will come out of this clean. The Democrats will look to be the fools they are. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If they bring out Champaign or wine, they better not give any to shrilLIARy when the results exonerating Trump come in on the TV !
I think, all things considered, that this is actually pretty good news for Trump. At least, better than a lot of other possible outcomes.

First, Mueller is respected by those on both sides of the aisle and not considered one with a partisan axe to grind.

Second, he's at a stage of his life where it's unlikely that he'll be seeking a future public-sector appointment or position, or running for any sort of political office. He's 72 and has no need to "prove" anything to anyone. Thus, unlike an ambitious 50-something special counsel appointee might do, he won't be hell-bent on cooking up evidence of any wrongdoing if none can be uncovered by a thorough investigation. He won't feel that he needs to justify his existence by nailing a scalp to the wall.

It could be a bit of a problem that the whole thing will drag on for quite a period of time. Democrats hope it will take until well into the run-up to the 2018 midterms, while Republicans obviously hope the issue will be clarified and behind them much earlier.

Another plus for Trump is that now he, his cabinet, and congressional allies can, when questioned about any of these lingering issues, answer in something like the following manner:

"It isn't appropriate for me to comment at this time, since this and all related matters are currently under review by Mr. Mueller's office. Now, if you don't mind, we need to get back to working for the American people and enacting the reform and growth agenda they elected us to get done."
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-17-2017, 07:42 PM
Lol trumpers think he's actually innocent hahaha. This has the most entertaining first half year of a president. Prepare for the shit show.

While trumpers may be sad about the great white hopes problems they should be happy with pence. The VP would make a actually viable and capable president, he could get things done. Trump seems to have the reverse Midas touch going on. Personally I hope trump can drive his party as deep as he can into the ground. He has been doing a great job so far, fucking fantastic job.
bamscram's Avatar
Mueller is on board, i'm going golfing.

bamscram's Avatar

Your ATF is out iffy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Lol trumpers think he's actually innocent hahaha. This has the most entertaining first half year of a president. Prepare for the shit show.

While trumpers may be sad about the great white hopes problems they should be happy with pence. The VP would make a actually viable and capable president, he could get things done. Trump seems to have the reverse Midas touch going on. Personally I hope trump can drive his party as deep as he can into the ground. He has been doing a great job so far, fucking fantastic job. Originally Posted by Trey

he is innocent. until proven otherwise. you think he's the PM of Italy? he's the President of the US where we have a presumed innocent system not the other way around.

you on the other hand, are grasping at every biased article and worse, just outright outrage Trump won. News flash .. that's not grounds for impeachment.

you are as bad as Assup, being convinced there must be something wrong that Trump won.

well there was something wrong, and it was Hillary Clinton and her campaign.


if there ever is any evidence at all .. and right now .. there is none .. we'll see. you realize that from the moment Trump won, the media has been running around inventing every single reason why he shouldn't be President.

that over 100 days of his Presidency and the period prior to .. and there still isn't one thing found that's worth a class c misdemeanor let alone actual grounds for impeachment..

Why, the Washington Post was called for his removal via 25th amendment before he even took the oath! bahhaaa

look at this idiot's reason in January ... the 9th of January ... 11 days before he took even office.

"Donald Trump is a one-man basket of deplorables. He is a braggart and a liar. He is a bully and a demagogue. He is an ignoramus and a deadbeat, a chiseler and either a sincere racist or an insincere one, and his love for himself is matched only by my loathing of him. He is about to be president of the United States. A constitutional coup may be in the offing. "

this idiot hack simply doesn't like Trump. not good enough, not by a long shot. the article is, of course, a opinion. nothing more.

the media is full of assholes like this guy yelling like the petulant children they are, that somehow Trump won, so he must be removed from office.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-17-2017, 09:11 PM
Lol yes, yes, go back to the election the last and only great thing shit head did. He beat a criminal. Lol. Good job. How long can you pat him on the back for that?

Hillary sucked she lost. Its time YOU get over it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Lol yes, yes, go back to the election the last and only great thing shit head did. He beat a criminal. Lol. Good job. How long can you pat him on the back for that?

Hillary sucked she lost. Its time YOU get over it. Originally Posted by Trey
the next 4 years, at the least .. bahaaaaa

any other witty comebacks?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you misspelled counsel.

that said.

what's the difference between a special prosecutor and a special counsel?

I don't see a difference, except for the name that is less threatening.

how do we know this one won't go off the rails like the previous special prosecutors did?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-17-2017, 09:58 PM
the next 4 years, at the least .. bahaaaaa

any other witty comebacks? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I think you're giving him to much time. Shit head is going down. Pat him on the back maybe 2 years.