Spoiler Alert. More fake news you swallowed hook, line, and sinker

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Watch the video. Starting at @ 50 seconds.
Mr. Comey does not testify trump did not interfere or try to halt the investigation (of any type). His answer was to the question,
Did the attorney general or senior officials at the DOJ ask them to stop an investigation? Comey and the Senator had been talking about the FBI working with the DOJ just prior to the interference question.
The "update" is an attempt to validate their (smoking gun and gatewaypundit) false claim that he said trump didn't interfere. He was specifically asked if the DOJ interfered and he answered no, the DOJ didn't ask him to stop. "Update**: Comey was asked more broadly if the DOJ had told him to halt investigations. Nevertheless, Comey admitted under oath that he wasn’t pressured to stop his investigation" by the DOJ. Again, the subject of trump interfering was not touched on at all.
So another source goes on the "Check everything they post" list.
This was an active attempt at pushing fake news that is known to be fake news by the source. They knew Comey didn't testify, under oath or otherwise, that trump had not interfered in the investigation.
They knew their headline was a lie. And they went with it anyways.


HOLY SHIT!!! Amy Dacey was person at DNC Seth Rich had beef with!!! MISSING LINK FOUND IN SETH RICH CASE!!!!! SPREAD SPREAD SPREADHIGH ENERGY (self.The_Donald)
submitted 14 hours ago * by i-love_america
Seth Rich was discovered by DNC after the Bernie/DNC voter data compromise controversy & it was his boss Amy Dacey (ties to SEIU) that uncovered it & was the co-worker he had "issues with" Last post was buried. Know its a lot of text, but there's a lot to link together here to paint the full picture.
After seeing a thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/...od_wheeler_pi/) that Amy Dacey might be a key person at DNC connected to Seth since she was his boss while he was working on the Voter App project, I searched back through the wiki podesta files to see if she came up and YES SHE DID. Im going to start here and connect it all back to Seth and how she might be a key player in all this.
Rewind back to 2007, Amy worked for SEIU and has a LONG history of working with Podesta. Here's an email about a meeting she set up with lots of names we will recognize (hint: Ballsack Eyes!) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/40160
(note: This email has Amy Dacey setting up a meeting between Soros and Co. Herb and Marion Sandler are listed in that meeting. Herb Sandler is the person who wrote the email to Podesta asking if he'd do better playing dominoes on cheese or on pasta.)
She moved to the Government Relations Dept with SEIU: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26012 And she also was Executive Director at Fund for America working with the same crowd: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/24363
She then went on to be CEO of the DNC and was leading the investigation into the voter database compromise that happened in December 15. Tl;dr for those that dont remember: the dnc voter database was compromised and Bernie campaign ended up w voter info from Hillarys campaign. They had NGA VAN do a few audits to find what was compromised and reported the results and who was responsible in the Bernie campaign for accessing info they weren't supposed to. The director of voter data for the Bernie campaign was fired as a result. This is the report she sent out after the initial audit: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15792 At the end of this report, she refers to continuing the audit which is when I think they might have initially discovered Seth as a leaker.
The DNC has also instructed NGP VAN to conduct a review process of their internal procedures to identify how this mistake was allowed to happen and prevent further such mistakes. The DNC is currently beginning the process of securing an additional, independent audit by a data security firm of NGP VAN’s procedures.
As a result of this analysis, NGP VAN found that campaign staff on the Sanders campaign, including the campaign’s national data director, had accessed proprietary information about which voters were being targeted by the Clinton campaign — and in doing so violated their agreements with the DNC.
After discovering, he accessed things he shouldn't have and suspected him, then that could have lead to the unmasking hunch everyone has for further surveillance. If that is the case then perhaps this NGP VAN is also a point of research as they would have played a part in uncovering this?
Other important note: he was working on the voter app project for dnc when he discovered the fraudulent voting sites issue, which was reportedly one of his motivations to work with Wikileaks. If you read the emails exchanges during the Bernie/DNC Voter Compromise, the Hillary campaign wanted to know the "ACTUAL DAMAGE" of the compromise perhaps afraid the fraud would be discovered? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/35361
According to a few news articles Seth made the exchange to this ex MI6 agent that now works with Wikileaks in September. http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/20...linton-campai/ Important because if we was exchanging info back in September and continuing through this ongoing audit/investigation which started in December then it could've been discovered during that.
Additional info in comments by u/FilmerandHobbes
Cross reference with this post: https://np.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/c...er_the_russia/
SPEZ: Originally posted by u/secret4trump
LexusLover's Avatar
Munchie's "right" again ...

.. "Comey does not testify trump did not interfere or try to halt the investigation (of any type)" ....

In fact Comey said it's NEVER happened at any time ... from anyone!!!!

Dear Munchie .... "anyone" = Trump et al!!!!

"NEVER" MEANS back to Comey's birth to the moment he speaks!

For instance, Munchie, if I were to ask you if you had sucked LukeWarm's dick, and you replied by posting ..

you "NEVER sucked anyone's dick" .... does that mean you sucked LukeWarm's dick? According to you it does!
What is "crew"?

For instance, Munchie, if I were to ask you if you had sucked LukeWarm's dick, and you replied by posting ..

you "NEVER sucked anyone's dick" .... does that mean you sucked LukeWarm's dick? According to you it does! Originally Posted by LexusLover

More votes are pouring in for Munch.....the 2017 Attention-Whore of the Year Award is practically in the bag.
More votes are pouring in for Munch.....the 2017 Attention-Whore of the Year Award is practically in the bag. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Typical. Another thread that can summarily be tossed into the "yet another nothingburger" category.

This clown is cut from the same cloth as "StandinStraight" and "Sistine Chapel" - needs attention, so he starts one ridiculously stupid thread after another. Even when he could have just as easily posted his confused babbling within a thread that already exists.

Hey, Moronmuncher. Why don't you step back and think this through for just a minute? Then you might realize that Comey's statement in the video you posted neither bolsters nor undermines the case, whether legal or simply political, against Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, Moronmuncher. Why don't you step back and think this through for just a minute? Then you might realize that Comey's statement in the video you posted neither bolsters nor undermines the case, whether legal or simply political, against Trump. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
You're forgetting this isn't the "real world" ...

.. this is the internet/blog world ....

.. in which one's opponent makes an outrageous accusation ....

.. and then when one does NOT DISPROVE their accusation ....

.. one's opponent proclaims "VICTORY"!

The "opponents" only want "due process" for themselves!

They are bolstering the philosophy of a "PRESUMPTION OF GUILT"!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Stupid and cast adrift,
desperate for something to justify living. But it's all right.
Even a lying piece of shit, such as yourself, has a place in the world.
No links, quotes (other than your own that is) or shame at your actions.
Either you truly don't understand context, the value of making statements based someone's complete statement as opposed to a small part of the statement, or even that misrepresenting a statement to your own agenda is wrong (not "wrong"), or you are fully aware of your actions and have shown once again you will say anything to keep from being revealed (once again) as the lying, pompous ass you are.
Since you can't fix stupid, you lack a moral compass to "control" your own actions, and you won't post links from reputable sources that refute Comey didn't mention trump or imply that he had not interfered in any investigation, not much point in arguing with you. You hate the fact that I'm the one guiding (not forcing) your face down on dicksuckingklansman's severed dick, not the fact you'll be sucking his "dick".

Munchie's "right" again ...

.. "Comey does not testify trump did not interfere or try to halt the investigation (of any type)" ....

In fact Comey said it's NEVER happened at any time ... from anyone!!!!Not even smokinggun took the lie to that level. You being stupid only proves you're stupid. They had been speaking specifically about the DOJ, the attorney general, and officials in the DOJ. That was the context his statement was made in.
You're pretty stupid for a supposed "smart" guy. Even your lies are stupid, tanto.

Dear Munchie .... "anyone" = Trump et al!!!!

"NEVER" MEANS back to Comey's birth to the moment he speaks!
A quick stupidity check.
How would Comey know this hadn't happened when he was 12? Or 10? He couldn't possibly know that and certainly wouldn't testify to your stupid supposition.
Glad you added this in. It shows how badly you've lost it and how desperate you are.

For instance, Munchie, if I were to ask you if you had sucked LukeWarm's dick, and you replied by posting ..

you "NEVER sucked anyone's dick" .... does that mean you sucked LukeWarm's dick? According to you it does! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Glad to see you have your testimony prepared. A standard dose of your lying and bullshit to divert the dialog away from you getting caught again.
Relax. It's only a big deal to you to get caught. We expect it.
Hello? 31000+ posts?

A true douche-bag till the end.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
From people who support trump. People who can't address the issue at hand.
Glad I could push your faces down on the cock of truth.
More votes are pouring in for Munch.....the 2017 Attention-Whore of the Year Award is practically in the bag. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Stupid but not in lying loser's league.
Stop looking past the statement for meaning you want to see. The only guilt I point at are lies about Comey's testimony. That's it, douche-bag.
I pointed out the conclusion you just brought to the thread in the OP. No wonder you're an ex as opposed to a current. You let your dislike of me make you stupid.

One more time for the slow people.

I said his testimony did not say trump hadn't interfered.
His testimony was about the DOJ and it's personnel not interfering.

Try to keep up.

This claim about exonerating trump is being pushed so when Comey's memo is made public and if it claims trump pressured him, your douche-bag brigade will scream perjury.

Pretty simple.

You believing I said the testimony proved trump guilty of anything is simple too.

You're full of shit, stupid, and want it so bad you can taste it.
The game didn't elude you. Like trump, you keep shooting yourself
Typical. Another thread that can summarily be tossed into the "yet another nothingburger" category.

This clown is cut from the same cloth as "StandinStraight" and "Sistine Chapel" - needs attention, so he starts one ridiculously stupid thread after another. Even when he could have just as easily posted his confused babbling within a thread that already exists.

Hey, Moronmuncher. Why don't you step back and think this through for just a minute? Then you might realize that Comey's statement in the video you posted neither bolsters nor undermines the case, whether legal or simply political, against Trump. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
No shit sherlock.
The fact you can't "understand" the post, then you repeat the conclusion like you thought of it, and after reaching "your" conclusion you can't see where it fits into the whole picture, doesn't mean shit to me. You're a trumpy and support a guy that lies 70% of the time. Because you believe anything the 7 lies out of 10 statements guy says, the non sequitur bullshit that pours out of iffy doesn't even phase you, even as it proves you don't have anything to say. You post the way you want to and I'll post the way I want to. I'm honored you can't refute the content and can only attack me.
You're an ex-ceo on a hooker board. And you still can't close the deal.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
My outrageous accusation was you're full of shit.
Then you proved it. That you're full of shit that is. Still no evidence to refute me in regards to Comey's testimony. I'm still waiting.
I only accepted your stupidity as the norm.

You're still the most hypocritical and projecting bitch on this site.
And the one thing you're right about is this is the internet.
In the real world, it's just about time for you to get ready for your night shift job at 7-11.
I don't want to keep you from your big gulps.

You're forgetting this isn't the "real world" ...

.. this is the internet/blog world ....

.. in which one's opponent makes an outrageous accusation ....

.. and then when one does NOT DISPROVE their accusation ....

.. one's opponent proclaims "VICTORY"!

The "opponents" only want "due process" for themselves!

They are bolstering the philosophy of a "PRESUMPTION OF GUILT"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
gfejunkie's Avatar
Comey had every opportunity to say, "The DOJ never did, but the President did."

But, he didn't. Did he?
bamscram's Avatar
Comey had every opportunity to say, "The DOJ never did, but the President did."

But, he didn't. Did he? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Trump had his support till he fired him.