Old Cowboys

Can't remember chit!
So, after a lot of email here and there this old bald headed Cowboy is back in the saddle and ready to ride SBC.
Have a few tales to tell though. Just cause I been AWOL doesn't mean I ain't mounted a philly from time to time.
Thanks to all who helped me re-boot and get back on that mule. Especially my ATFBS ( All Time Favorite Baby Sitter) the infamous MMM ain't she wonderful? As well as our own SBC Mod MM!
I'll be offering a couple interesting reviews here shortly. But this old wore out cowboy just can't keep it tucked behind his zipper too long.
Suffice it for now that if you ain't seen Abree, boys, it's a damn shame. She is a sweety and bucks like a yearling when she gets mounted.
Glad to finally be back.
Old handle 'cowboyup1960' was irretrievable so this one will have to do from now on.
Let's Ride! Damnitahell.
danceman's Avatar
mrredcat43's Avatar
Glad to see you back cowboy. GET BACK ON THAT HORSE AND RIDE!!!
MuffinMan's Avatar
Welcome back! Hey, don't completely give up....I'm still working on it. Keep checking the email.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Welcome back, my Favorite Cowboy!! I've missed seeing your handle here on eccie and I've missed your sexy self in my playground....not sure who's gonna be riding who
Glad your back cowboy!
Don't know ya cowboy!! But if MMM speaks highly of you then you are top notch to me!!

Welcome back and looking forward to your participation on the boards!!
SaltyDog71's Avatar
My favorite cowboy saying is anytime you have a 50/50 chance of getting something right. There is an 80 percent chance you will get it wrong.

Let it ride cowboy
Awe shucks, Yall jus too kind. ETG, MMM been babysitting me for a while. Ain't she wonderful?
New review is up now on Abree. More to come as time allows.
And my favorite 'cowboy sayings' are things like:
Rooster Cogburn -'Ain't dat tha way it works Hawk?'
Cap'n Call -'I can't stand rudeness in a man. Ain't no excuse for it. Won't tolerate it'
And J B Mauney- 'ya jus keep ya hand closed for eight seconds'
Thanks for the welcome fellas and 'misses'