Does anyone know if this is the same helper"daughter"for Lucia Ferrari

I have been trying to get a hold of them to find out how I can repeat the "mother, haughtiest experience.. the last time I booked , a babysitter had to be arranged for the helper daughter... does anyone know. Bueler Bueler , Beuler
pyramider's Avatar
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Sawmilljimmy's Avatar
Her friend is Lily
Very sexy little package
Pretty face and great ass.
Saw them together around Christmas for 4 hand.
First thirty minutes both of them massaged and teased.
Last 30 minutes GFE with Lily.
Very sexy concept with Mom stepping out of the room.
Ly had very fresh boob job scars under her nipples but still very sexy.
Scars should be healed better by now.