broken senate

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

article on the senate no longer being a deliberative body. it is all politics of the party.

it is however weak on the actual causes of its dysfunction.

article on the senate no longer being a deliberative body. it is all politics of the party.

it is however weak on the actual causes of its dysfunction. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Author makes some good points, and recognizes why the Framers of the Constitution organized the Senate the way they did. In short, the Senate is there to insure that Democracy does not run amok.

But in the end, his true colors come through. It's that "Filibuster Thing".

He wants to protect the power of the minority. My question to him is.......where were you when Harry Reid started eviscerating the Senate Rules so the Republicans were left out of everything?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yeah, the filibuster abuse where minorities from both parties since 1970 can tie up the business of the senate on any legislation from being debated.

he partially dissected the dysfunction of the senate which really began in 1916 with the passage of the 17th amendment. that amendment changed the character of the senate as a deliberative body to a political body. It took 100 years for the change to be completed. it is fairly obvious to some that the senate has become more like the house -- house lite.