What do you do between pops?

txAustin202's Avatar
Was wondering what most guys do between pops? I've seen reviews where a guy had multiple pops in a 30 minute session. I think that's pretty impressive and I'm only in my 30's. Do guys have the providers help get them aroused again?
I think anyone boasting more than 2 pops in 30 minutes is a freak of nature, hasn't been with a woman in a long time, or is simply a liar. I once was with a 50 yr old who had 5 rounds in an overnight without the help of any little pills. And in an hour, I think 3x is the max I've ever experienced.
PornPet69's Avatar
I usually get up and leave.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I think anyone boasting more than 2 pops in 30 minutes is a freak of nature, hasn't been with a woman in a long time, or is simply a liar. I once was with a 50 yr old who had 5 rounds in an overnight without the help of any little pills. And in an hour, I think 3x is the max I've ever experienced. Originally Posted by Laynie Harper
NewWave's Avatar
i always wonder if the amount ejaculated has any relation to the amount of pops one has, because I tend to have pretty huge loads, not as bad as Peter North but close, and once I've popped I'm pretty much knocked out for awhile.

I do wonder if people are just having small loads multiple times or maybe just making up shit in their reviews. Nah, that could never happen.
  • Vyt
  • 04-15-2011, 12:00 AM
Between pops I run screaming in terror at the thought I might actually have to talk with the woman. Usually hiding under the bed works.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Between pops? Usually pay my bills, read a good novel, mow the lawn -- twice, etc....

Only thing that requires more creative scheduling is filling the time between dumps!

Though I will admit that the last two times I had multipops, I spent the time in between breathing heavily and clutching my chest!
well most of them are to lazy to intiate a 2nd round anyway or thinking to themselves,,

"Man I wish this guy would hurry up so I can go make more $$" or "Man I wish this guy would hurry up so I can go shopping"

and coming twice in 30 minutes is not that hard to do, yes it does require at least 2 day of waiting but not always..
Naomi4u's Avatar

"Man I wish this guy would hurry up so I can go make more $$" or "Man I wish this guy would hurry up so I can go shopping"

. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
That says something about the ladies you spend time with. I always initiate the second pop. Most of the guys I see can't keep up. You know... the one and done types.. LOL!
That says something about the ladies you spend time with. I always initiate the second pop. Most of the guys I see can't keep up. You know... the one and done types.. LOL! Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I knew you would reply with some backhanded comment,, you are so predictable.. as perhaps am I...

please re-read my commnent I did not say , those are the girls I am seeing .. I simply said that how most of them think, per back channel and reading reviews..
  • E2
  • 04-15-2011, 10:08 AM
I like to ask if "it was good for her tooo!?!"
uhh ok...anyway..I like to snuggle and talk about what fun positions to get into next ! And yea, the most pops in an hour I have seen are only 3.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
We usually go grab dinner, maybe a drink or two, sometimes ice cream.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I knew you would reply with some backhanded comment,, you are so predictable.. as perhaps am I... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
*sigh* ok I'll ignore your posts. Sorry for responding.

We usually go grab dinner, maybe a drink or two, sometimes ice cream. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Mmmmm yummy
*sigh* ok I'll ignore your posts. Sorry for responding.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u

you dont need to ingore my posts, or stop responding,
just stop insulting me and it will be just peachy keen!!!

I am pretty sure I have not directly insulted you are made backhanded comments to you?? if I have then I apologize,