Silver. *Cough* 42.59

LovingKayla's Avatar
Who ever listened and poured money into silver when I posted about it last month would have already made 4 bucks an oz.

For spot prices go there. It's always on the right side of the front page.

Yippie for my capital based mind.

  • hd
  • 04-15-2011, 12:59 PM
nice, isn't it?
LovingKayla's Avatar
No kidding. I've made 27$ an oz. Sold some today for another brokerage account. I'm really liking this whole "money making money stuff." oh if only I'd started to learn 10 years ago.
billw1032's Avatar
Just be careful, and remember that what goes up can come back down. Never hurts to take some profit off the table. But then, you sound pretty savvy and probably have all the advice you need already...
for quotes this the site to go to

for buying & selling see Mark Dupee @

just let him know mayday sent you
LovingKayla's Avatar
OH thank you mayday and bill! I'm eagerly absorbing all the info and help I can get.

New spot is 43.18.

I'm young enough to make mistakes and lose it all as long as I learn something salvageable.

I bet prices go down just a bit tomorrow. We shall see. It makes each day exciting.
pyramider's Avatar
Remember when the Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market in the 80s? The market busted and one went broke.
Subtract the $1 an ounce extra to buy..and the $1 an ounce you lose on the sell...and you've only got $2 profit.
I firmly believe silver will hit $80-100/oz. It's historically 14x lower than gold. Right now the big banks are doing all they can to supress the run up. But with the dollar worth less and less each month, silver just keeps running up.

One day, you'll be trading silver coins for pussy...and everything else you want.
LovingKayla's Avatar
If anyone has the time to look it up, please do post the reference but I SWEAR it's 16X Lower. Silver should be about 86 or so an oz right now. It just has to catch up.

Thi, I'm not seeing your math. That would only be true if I bought silver and sold it 4 dollars later. Right? Correct me PLEASE. I hate not understanding stuff.

From how you've laid it out I would still double my money plus 4 bucks per oz even with the loss of 2 dollars each oz.

for most, its difficult to understand what has happened to our economy. everyone knows its bad and don't really understand what to do. here's a very simplistic approach but will keep you as one of the survivors.

1 do not buy any precious metals on margin or borrow money to buy them.
2 take physical possion of the metals you buy
3 unless you're loaded, buy US or Canadian coins instead of bars
4 I used to believe that you needed 10% of your liquid assets in precious metals, I now believe you need at least 20%
5 tell no one you own them
6 put them in plastic bag and bury them in your back yard
7 make a pirates map and staple it to the back of your will
8 pray you never need them. simply put; this is the best insurance you can get for whats coming.
LovingKayla's Avatar
11311 Reeder Road
Dallas, TX 75229

11311 Reeder Road 1201airport freeway
Dallas 75229 Euless 76040

972 484 3662

Mayday has it right on. Above is the Dallas Gold and Silver exchange address and phone number. I get actual coins. And you can buy the bullion quality and it won't be as expensive. Unless you are a serious collector, there's no reason to spend the extra capital buying the more expensive collector coins. Just get the bulk coins.

Coins can be better because they spend easier, but bars are nice to have on the side.

It closed today at 43.14
LovingKayla's Avatar
43.42 this morning.

I'm just wowed by this. I'm easy.
billw1032's Avatar
Guess I'm wondering if your goal is long-term saving, intermediate-term investing, or short-term trading. I assume it's not short-term trading if you're buying physical coins (ETFs might be a better choice for that). I saw a chart yesterday that shows silver has run up over the past year by a much higher percentage than gold:
That would make me really nervous. Of course, investment strategy is a more complicated and longer discussion than we can have here. And, what do I know anyway? If I was that smart on this stuff I'd be a lot richer than I am.
I use kitco. great price per coin, have to buy $1000 min.