Provider Feedback Requested

Smpslt7's Avatar
I am curious about what the ladies think about the following two videos.

Guys, please refrain from responding. Let's listen to what the ladies have to say.

Tequila Rose's Avatar
Video number one I didn't much care for. It' paints every woman who sex works as a victim. That we are all forced or so damaged that we don't know whats best for us. The only things in that video that were true for me was I was sexually abused when I was young and I had been raped. (rape and sexual abuse were not by the same person) I refuse to play victim and blame things in my life on those things. I learned from those experiences. I don't provide because of them. I have a real world job I can support myself with my job just fine. I do this because I choose to. Because I want to build a nice nest egg. I don't want to worry if something breaks how many months I will have to cut back on things to cover it. I do it to live more comfortably. I agree no girl thinks when she grows up she wants to be a sex worker. However how many of use are doing jobs we don't want to do? My real world job is definitely not a job I dreamed of doing. I enjoy hobby a hell of a lot more than I do it. However I get medical, paid vacation, and it keeps me from having to take risks in the hobby I don't want to. I have the option to turn down clients I don't want to see. I don't have to see newbies I can follow my gut.

Video two I liked a lot more. It didn't paint all sex workers as victims. But more realistically women who turned to this for real reasons. I'm not saying sex trafficking doesn't exist we all know it does. At this point however I have yet to knowingly meet a woman who was being forced by someone else to do this. The women I have had contact with and talked to have all been independent and did this by choice. I agree with decriminalizing sex work. It makes no sense to brand a woman with a charge that will keep her from moving on from it. Or to keep those who are victims from protecting themselves.

I've rattled on long enough. Thank you for the links. I enjoyed watching them both.
cinderbella's Avatar
Hi, thanks for asking.

Video #1, glad she is trying to help. I am not typical of her example.

Video #2, is more aligned with my experience and belief.

I was never exploited or abused by anyone in my family, ever. I have
been exploited and abused while working a regular job. Plenty of times.
Smpslt7's Avatar
Thank you Tequila Rose and Cinderbella for your feedback. I appreciate it.
Video one is not worth watching in my opinion. If she weren't so obnoxious and naive about more of the real reasons sex workers don't report violence to law enforcement, I'd have been open to follow along for a little while longer.
I think you'll find most indy ladies will find video 1 offensive and sing "amen girl!" To video 2
I dug em
Smpslt7's Avatar
I thought so too. Thank you!