Boy feet are gross. GROSS. Gnarly nails, rough skin, toe hair, bunions, stink.
To the boys, if you're worried about your feet, get a professional pedicure.
Originally Posted by JennsLolli
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Smooth gnarly nails with a disc sander. A few seconds should be enough. For video, watch "The World's Fastest Indian".
An orbital sander starting with 100, then 180, 220 and finish with 320 grit will take care of any rough skin. Just keep the sander moving to avoid friction burns.
For toe hair, a quick pass with the blow torch.
Don't know best way to treat bunions as I haven't had to yet. Probably a small hand plane (extra sharp) would be easiest.
A little denatured alcohol with a light scrubbing using 00000 steel wool over the whole foot should remove the top layer of skin and any stink attached to it.
Hmmm, maybe $20 to stare at cleavage for 20 minutes ain't so bad...