Has anyone ever been "fired" by a provider?

I saw my ATF a few months back, and we usually email once a month or so to stay in touch. I emailed her a couple times and never heard anything back. She is busier in her "real life" than she had been, so ididn't think anything of it. Then I messaged her about meeting and still nothing. Emailed her from a different address, and boom, within 20 minutes. It is what it is, but I would love to know what I possibly could have done to get cut. Guess it's time to find a new favorite... Has this happened to anyone else?
Gotyour6's Avatar
Maybe emailing all the time?

Thinking by keeping in touch she was a friend?
Maybe you thought you were keeping in touch and you really were stalking her and she grew tired of it and cut you off?

Maybe you were stalking her

I find it funny that guys "keep in touch" with a hooker.

Have yo emailed your dry cleaner and said hello?
Emailing "all the time" is a stretch. More than not, she emailed me first. No stalking whatsoever. I am very limited in the hobby to begin with, and I have seen her roughly 4 times a year for the past 4 or 5 years. Never called her, texted her, anything goofy.

Nothing really with my dry cleaner, don't wear suits very often. I did coach a softball team with my dentist, however.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Send cock pic whew
Yeah, I didn't even do that. Although she had seen it plenty of times.
There are a few clients I wouldn't see again. There are also a few who I had to have a discussion with them after the first visit and let them know that if they'd like to see me again they need to change A, B, and C. Usually after this chat things are smooth sailing.
Yeah, we were always pretty open in discussions. I have no idea, was just curious if this has happened much to others. Of course you can't ask a question without all the "Kings of the Escort Boards" chiming in as though everyone except themselves is a tool.
I would just show up at her house
Send cock pic whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger

is it relly 10 inchs?

pic up the magnums luver phew
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Has anyone ever been "fired" by a provider?
when I saw title I was thinking would post
"Its been a dream of mine, but she llike to make me suffer"
reading the post NEXT the wise move
going in with that new email & name would be fun way
ben8888's Avatar
I saw my ATF a few months back, and we usually email once a month or so to stay in touch. I emailed her a couple times and never heard anything back. She is busier in her "real life" than she had been, so ididn't think anything of it. Then I messaged her about meeting and still nothing. Emailed her from a different address, and boom, within 20 minutes. It is what it is, but I would love to know what I possibly could have done to get cut. Guess it's time to find a new favorite... Has this happened to anyone else? Originally Posted by dullard
Not trying to offend you but... this seems border line stalking.... Plus mailing from a different address... You sir are getting too attached... You see her 4 times a year and you are mailing her every month... Lets use another perspective.... Would you call your car dealership every month when you only need 3 or 4 oil changes a year..... Just want to make sure they are still selling oil right..... i dont get it....

This is from another thread but applies to you.

" FYI this is a business... Lots of girls i see have regular or grandfathered rates... WTF is that if you got a regular you know that is hooked on your ass up the $$$ Economics 101... We do it at work all the time when business is booming we jack our rates up you lose some customers but you make up for it in the extra others pay when business is slow we drop our rates to bring business in then slowly start jacking the rates up again..."

If i was the girl your stalking id double your rate cause you're hooked so the pussy must be nice so pay twice the price.
rooster's Avatar
Some a you boyz put way too much work into yer replies....

The simple answer is this: it happens all the time. For lots of reasons. Get over it.

Carlos Danger's Avatar
Dom dot com. Whew

Gotyour6's Avatar
My girl wants to meet that cock and I want to watch her take it
Rooster, thanks for the answer. Really just curious if it happened to anyone else. I appreciate the humor, but I get why they call this place Upset NY.