Providers who like/know how to two-step

Wondering if there are any providers out there that enjoy country dancing?

I love a girl who knows how to two-step....
sexxyjewels's Avatar
Im pretty good at the two step
  • asfva
  • 06-12-2017, 03:07 PM
Better yet... I would like providers to teach me a how to 2-step!
goterdone's Avatar
Yes this is good... let's see who can be my teacher..
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
you know I buy me the cowboy boots,
but I just can't see my feet when I try to two step,,,,,
pyramider's Avatar
Why do you need to see your feet when you two step?
DallasRain's Avatar
I fucking luv a gent in cowboy boots...although I am a rocker chick,I luv two steppin and am a great waltzer!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Why do you need to see your feet when you two step? Originally Posted by pyramider