Desperately wanted: One Batsuit (will settle for Robin's)

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar

If it provides me with 1% of the assistance it did Adam West ... my mind boggles.
Chung Tran's Avatar

If it provides me with 1% of the assistance it did Adam West ... my mind boggles. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I don't get it.. Wilt Chamberlain had a long body, Gene Simmons has a long tongue.. Batman (Adam) has the cape.. is that the secret? or is it that Wilt had Jerry West, Gene has Paul, and Batman had Robin constantly at his side?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I don't know about the others, but apparently Batman had enough opportunity to ensure that his wingman was getting his wick wet.

Brings to mind an old joke: What would I do with Batman's eight used condoms from that one night? Roll 'em up in a ball, put a hole in the middle and call it a Goodyear.
Batman's Avatar
I can assure you, Citizen, that it has almost magical powers! But dammit, I still need the Benjamins...