Erotic asphyxiation: Extreme or Extremely Hot

latin6pack's Avatar
First let me say, i'm no Polly Anna, far from it, butttt, had a provider recently grab my hand and put it around her neck while I was pounding her K9. It was an extremely sexual encounter, full blown PSE, that said, this caught me slightly off guard. She was really into this and I obliged,although I treaded lightly.

Question for the board, specifically the ladies. Have you gone here and if so, is there a method one should follow for peak sexual arousal. Any sage words for a newbie in this realm. Inquiring minds want to know. Is this extreme or extremely hot? Thoughts?

For the record, not sure if i will go here again. Would have to discuss ahead of time w/ the lady to clearly define our boundaries.

pmdelites's Avatar
just be REAL REAL REAL SAFE!!! go read up on it and discuss it with her.

i've only done this a few times when the woman requested it. [separate encounters]
and after i tested the boundaries of what she wanted.
it appeared the women enjoyed it.
for me, no biggie and not something i'd initiate.
Post your question in Another Realm forum. Its for just this kind of activities and you will get better advice there.
latin6pack's Avatar
will do, please delete from this forum... thanks...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Honestly, this is a great topic and one that needs to be discussed in a coed forum where most participants here don't feel comfortable in the "another realm" section.

Here is the link to this topic when it was discussed. Please feel free to start another one in this forum. It's a very thought provoking topic.

And yes. It's completely frigging exciting and very hot. And super dangerous.

Here you go:
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Since there are people serving time in prison for involuntary manslaughter and WORSE as a result of choking during an erotic encounter, I believe that this article is a must read from an author that is one of the most respected in the alternative world of BDSM.

My personal experiences are limited but I will admit to really enjoying being completely submissive to a man's desire and in his control. And having my neck slowly squeezed and feeling slightly lightheaded while orgasming is just something that cannot be explained.

Giving of oneself in that fashion, male or female, should be considered a gift especially when it's found in this world.

It's just important to know that this isn't something to fuck around with. People die. And for the love of God and all that is holy, DO NOT DO THIS WHILE DRINKING or under the influence of medication!!!! Of course, most of you know this already but most of the BDSM play that I run into is always done while being stone cold sober.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Post your question in Another Realm forum. Its for just this kind of activities and you will get better advice there. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Sorry for just getting all bubbly and writing so much on a topic that you suggested be introduced in the alternative forum that we have on this site and one that I adore so much!!!

I'm getting a second wind this evening!!!

But I did wish to throw a few tidbits of suggestions before going in a different direction this evening! It's a fairly important subject to address for those who are curious or have already experienced it in one form or another.

berkleigh's Avatar

I like it! As long as done correctly!
latin6pack's Avatar
Thank you Elisabeth, for both the links and thoughtful commentary. Exactly what I was looking for. Again, this is new territory for me, of which I am not completely comfortable with at the moment. Caught me by surprise and I was extremely careful, and sober! Will have to do much more research and quite frankly, perhaps limit to the RW, if at all. Thanks again. Berkleigh, appreciate your thoughts as well. Very interesting topic, which is new ground for me. Take care ladies.
latin6pack's Avatar
TY PMDelites, believe we are of the same mindset on this topic.
we have an "another realm" forum? guess i should read more.

i have done it before-in my personal life-not in the hobby. it was freaking hawt. but....i would only do this with somebody i know and trust, with boundaries and some sort of sign to stop
LovingKayla's Avatar
It's the best orgasm I ever had. I did it with my first husband but I had no idea what we were doing at the time. I've not done it since because of what I've learned. It is very dangerous. At the least to lose brain cells, at the worst to die...

The 2 seconds you lose consciousness feels like hours. It's the most amazing sexual experience I've ever had.
...The 2 seconds you lose consciousness feels like hours. It's the most amazing sexual experience I've ever had. Originally Posted by SoftPlaceToLand
Who had the stop watch running? Just seems real dangerous to me.

I have had ladies who enjoyed the hand on the throat, with some pressure. Have never taken it to a point of loss of consciousness, and would never be comfortable with that level of play.

I think the ladies who found the hand on the throat exciting were looking more for the restraint angle, the 'guy in full control' rather than the actual passing out. At least a couple of the ladies also enjoyed some simple restraint play, pinning their hands above their head, etc. While I am not into a rape fantasy, I think for the ladies, it seemed like that was the type of session they were trying to guide me to.

I think I have had several ladies who were at a comfort level with me to act out this type of session, but they had failed and would never succeed in getting me to be comfortable to take the session to that level.
Who had the stop watch running? Just seems real dangerous to me.

I have had ladies who enjoyed the hand on the throat, with some pressure. Have never taken it to a point of loss of consciousness, and would never be comfortable with that level of play.

I think the ladies who found the hand on the throat exciting were looking more for the restraint angle, the 'guy in full control' rather than the actual passing out. At least a couple of the ladies also enjoyed some simple restraint play, pinning their hands above their head, etc. Originally Posted by tigercat
This has also been my experience. Hand on the throat and mild pressure. More of the "Guy in control and dominating the woman" type of thing. Not the same thing at all comparied to the OP's question. Be so very very carefull with this kind of stuff.
Guest091314's Avatar
Hands around my neck is very arousing as long as I feel safe with the one doing it...other than that its hot as hell!!!