Ladies, please watch out for johnny1234

NeveaLove's Avatar
Client johnny1234 set down donation during our visit and somehow "accidentally" left with it after our session. I had given him several chances to come drop off the donation, which he had agreed to do. Now he's just ignoring my messages. Oh well

Here's a link to his profile

Hope this helps
DocHolyday's Avatar
Johnny...what say you about this?
Dick Fitzenwell's Avatar
Was he AA?
HedonisticFool's Avatar
Was he AA? Originally Posted by Dick Fitzenwell
NL...Sorry to hear that you were robbed of your donation.

But first and foremost, it would be prudent for us to have both sides of this story, before an opinion can be formed and I doubt, no matter what the circumstances happens to be, that the mongers race played a roll in the OP situation...
TryWeakly's Avatar
Interesting that the alleged perp hasnt been on line since 5/10 .... a strong recommendation to all providers is to have their "xustomer" send them a confirmation PM to ease the cloud of suspicion.... because there be alot of perps saying they are someone else, hoping the aforementioned and simple verification PM wont be requested.....
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Johnny...what say you about this? Originally Posted by DocHolyday
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 06-19-2017, 09:06 PM
Darn, mongers please don't do this to the beautiful ladies, we all loose! I am so used to go to a restaurant and eat the buffet and then pay my bill, now its going to be like Libby's cafeteria where you get in line and you pay before sitting your ass to eat and indulging yourself. Dam Johnny!
sms918's Avatar
sounds more like an alert than co-ed. hope you put notice out in women's forums so they know. from what I've been told, a lot of providers don't read co-ed.

Everyone, provider and hobbyist, need to know who those(hobbyist or provider) can't act responsibly.

Both sides in disputes need to have their say, but get info out. best for hobby.
muffin101's Avatar
Wonder if he's made arrangements to pay her back
Dick Fitzenwell's Avatar
Still curious if he was AA?
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Sorry oh beautiful one; hope he's taken care of this by now.

If not than at least the other ladies now are aware

Miss you fm TR days...
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Johnny...what say you about this? Originally Posted by DocHolyday
How Cute!!! Dick Doc has a BFF
You two can exchange stories and compare notes on how you short ladies.

Xesaddict's Avatar
How Cute!!! Dick Doc has a BFF
You two can exchange stories and compare notes on how you short ladies.

Francisca Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Normally I read before going to bed. Helps me get to sleep. I am finding that some of the threads in the various forums on this site are more entertaining than the latest best seller I am trying to get through. This exchange has a lot of be continued, I hope.
How Cute!!! Dick Doc has a BFF
You two can exchange stories and compare notes on how you short ladies.

Francisca Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Champagne Brown's Avatar
That blow's!