Love is evil

I agree with Slavoij Zizeks POV that Love is evil,
I have experienced it myself quite literally as violence a few years back . its especially valid when you have the fights over monoamory vs. polyamory, or people telling others to break up with someone they love or demanding it. Seems common form of war in love and a violence people seem to condone on many levels.

"Love for me is an extremely violent act. Love is not "I love you All" It means i pick out something and it`s this structure of imbalance. I say I love you more than anything else. In this quite formal sense Love is evil" -- Slavoij Zizek
We generally think of love and hate as opposite sides of the same coin.

But the Greeks had different words for different kinds of love.

I believe there are many kinds of love. Some kinds coexist with others when you feel love for another person (damn! the English language is so limited when it comes to these expressions).

In the same sense, passion and violence (both expressing physical forms) can be extensions of one another.

But it is all so complex. There are sooooo many levels on which I love my SO. And a lot on which I don't. And several things she does on a regular basis bug the shit out of me. But she's still the SO.

Interesting topic, N.
You`re right , Charles.

I feel though that there is a line between unconditional love and this possessive love , and i feel that no one on this planet is able to love unconditionally. And it seems that love - how Zizek sees it - is very judgemental, since you pick someone out of th ecrowd who gets more attention than someone who probably deserves the same kind of attention and doesn`t.
SO love is a judgement per se. And - same like Zizek - i am a bit turned off by that "oh we love the whole world" and " Unconditional love" babble that circles around in the entities of the cosmos i participate (polyamory , kinkster).
But maybe for others this is anyway obvious :-). I just read an article about how love is not possessive and should not be (one of these pro poly and anti mono articles) and i was having a heavy discussion about the fact that Love per se is a judgement and possessive and why she would judge possessive love?
If two (or more ) possessive people find each other, why not?
I say to each its own.
So for me this was the perfect antidote to the "lovey dubby" hippie brainwash i can`t hear anymore :-)..
We generally think of love and hate as opposite sides of the same coin............. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I disagree whole-heartedly. Love and hate are the different sides of the same coin. The opposite of love is indifference. Hate is the destructive side of love. Love in and of itself is a pure and wonderful thing. Don’t despair Nina, there is a good and true love for you somewhere and with someone / somemany in your case.

Love is a primary emotion. It’s when fear or controlling behaviors become integrated into the love matrix that causes the problems. It’s fear manifested in jealously or whatever that caused your lover to become violent and inflected the emotional and physical pain upon you. Abandon those types of people. Leave them be and you’ll be happier about perusing a love interest. If you leave them before they get their hooks in you they will never consider you theirs and thus less likely to be possessive or destructive when you move on.

You did a post on the many types of romantic love, but don’t forget there are other kinds of love with and in different kinds of relationships that are just as good, necessary and valid as romantic love. Embrace those until you find your love.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Love is a complex neurochemical reaction with many mysterious triggers. Once you are "in it" you need to ride it for all its positive worth and then exit hopefully without any lasting damage or "evil".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-18-2011, 07:57 PM
You talking about crack head love. That shit can be evil! I agree.

But loving something is good. I love pussy! That is good!

I love a good conversation. Thats good right?

Hell hating something is good, means you learnt a lesson in how not to do something. So bad love can be a good thing.

I'm just full of know it all advice tonite!
Love is wonderful....People are evil...!!
When you listen to some people, you have to be careful and understand that their their own personal experiences and feelings are reflected in their opinions. What I gathered earlier from ZiZeck two years ago is that he has issues with himself, and to hear that he has rationalized love as evil confirms there is an imbalance. I feel there are different kinds of loves and different levels of those loves.

When one speaks of love of the world, or as he put it 'universal love' or 'love the world', that doesn't mean that you personally love every being on the planet. Love for the world can be expressed as concern. And then conviction, the feeling that allows you to express that love for the world with actions is what I would describe as a different level of love. Even then we pick a cause that's close to our hearts and pour ourselves into it.

If I had to do the same thing with my love for a human being, at the top of my totem pole would be my daughter. Only she has the power to hurt my feelings or bring me the greatest joy with her actions and words. With others that I love(d), my family, past lovers, and the such, I can rationalize their actions immediately and with some, not even be affected by them. Not to say I don't love my mother/siblings, but they're adults. Certain events have shaped their rationale, and I'm just a pawn. No love lost. And I think it's because I love me more than I love them. But with my daughter (whom I love waay more than myself), since she is cut from my cloth, she is held to some invisible standard, and part of me wants her to be a mini-me. Only with her does it take a moment for me to understand that I raised her to use her own perceptions to decide what's best for her.

I understand what he means, because true love of a person can hurt (which the hurt may have been the thing that brought him to this conclusion), but where would we be without it?

As usual, great post, Nina!
Slavoj Žižek (pronounced [ˈslavoj ˈʒiʒɛk]; born 21 March 1949) is a Slovenian continental philosopher and critical theorist working in the traditions of Hegelianism, Marxism and Lacanian psychoanalysis. He has made contributions to political theory, film theory, and theoretical psychoanalysis.
Žižek uses examples from popular culture to explain the theory of Jacques Lacan and uses Lacanian psychoanalysis, Hegelian philosophy and Marxist economic criticism to interpret and speak extensively on immediately current social phenomena, including the current ongoing global financial crisis. In a 2008 interview with Amy Goodman on the New York City radio show Democracy Now! he described himself as a "communist in a qualified sense," and in another appearance on the show in October 2009 he described himself as a "radical leftist".[3][4] Žižek is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost intellectuals of the radical left.
It was not until the 1989 publication of his first book written in English, The Sublime Object of Ideology, that Žižek achieved international recognition as a social theorist. Since then, he has continued to develop his status as a confrontational intellectual.
He writes on many topics including subjectivity, ideology, capitalism, fundamentalism, racism, tolerance, multiculturalism, human rights, ecology, globalization, the Iraq War, revolution, utopianism, totalitarianism, postmodernism, pop culture, opera, cinema, political theology, and religion.

Marxist/Communist.....Radical Leftist......Subjectivist..... .Fruitcake.......
Love is wonderful....People are evil...!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
People are partly evil and partly's the duality of man........
There is no one kind of dont love your dog the same way you love your mother or father ; but in some cases people do !
But for everyone you love there is some type of hate or dislike for them and its just how much of this you can tolerate .
For what ever you put into a love relationship you expect to get that or more back and in some cases the person you love doesnt love you the same way so there maybe no way to get back what you put into it.
Then there is voalitile love where your in a relationship with somone and they treat you like crap and you hang on loving them ..the question is WHY ?
Sometimes the best you can do is just love someone and hold on loosely and let happen what is going to happen and dont let jealousy or hatred get in the way and it takes a special person not to smoother the other one and let them be their onwself.
No one said love was easy ...and there are many songs you can listen to that explain that also ( love can be hard ) ( love hurts ) etc. etc.
enjoy love with someone or something for what it is and dont try to think about it or complicate it because when you do it will go away.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I agree with Slavoij Zizeks POV that Love is evil,
I have experienced it myself quite literally as violence a few years back . its especially valid when you have the fights over monoamory vs. polyamory, or people telling others to break up with someone they love or demanding it. Seems common form of war in love and a violence people seem to condone on many levels.

"Love for me is an extremely violent act. Love is not "I love you All" It means i pick out something and it`s this structure of imbalance. I say I love you more than anything else. In this quite formal sense Love is evil" -- Slavoij Zizek Originally Posted by ninasastri
I think I would 'love' to see a Lifetime movie made by you.
Black Sedan's Avatar
Nina, you are really getting my sapiosexuality going with these posts, that and your 5-11 and natural -

I've certainly seen Love be evil. And wonderful. And not at the same time. I'll take the downs in this life with the ups. No way I would want to miss out on the kind of wonderful love I've experienced and shared in the past. No matter how it might blow apart in the end.
  • MrGiz
  • 04-19-2011, 10:25 PM
It certainly can be. * Hauntingly so! * Even then , sublime.
Love is wonderful....People are evil...!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Love is obscure, and people are generally fucked up....

Even with that said, I'm still capable of loving someone, guess I'm just a hopeless romantic...