Just A Question on Etiquette

Mr.Incognito's Avatar
Ladies and Gentlemen, is it rude of me to squeeze a providers ass during the "hello hug"when the door is answered? Yes this is my first time meeting the provider.
FLReWrite's Avatar
I don't have the foggiest idea...but the question made me laugh.
Squeeze it now, or squeeze it 5 minutes from now when you are in the bedroom... LOL what is the difference??
Mr.Incognito's Avatar
Just want to remain in good standing with the ladies. Thanks for the knowledge
brownfish's Avatar
Whose ass are you trying to grab ?
I wanna grab one too
I do think it depends on the date. Some dates prefer not to be met that aggressively first greet...some do. You can try and reach out to your date first and see if they let you know.
Mr.Incognito's Avatar
Thanks Galadan,
But if it makes a difference it is a respectable squeeze.
I'll agree that, depending on your personality, it is a tough call. I admit to feeling a bit awkward at first meet. I assume they are as well since they really have less of an idea about you than you do of they. I mean you get to look at pictures, and read reviews, and read their marketing ads. The have no idea what's truly going to walk through that door when you arrive.

I almost need the intro time as much for me to get comfortable as well. 2nd+ visits get much nicer that way. YMMV
I wouldn't appreciate my butt being squeezed first thing when we meet in a civ date. I wouldn't appreciate it in a professional date either, unless the relationship we built over time allowed for that kind of immediate intimacy.

I've had that happen twice with new clients and it made me feel very uncomfortable.

I'm sure not all providers would feel this way, but you're about to touch a provider's body in a few minutes anyway, why risk a bad start? Why risk making her uncomfortable?
Mr.Incognito's Avatar
Thanks Zorah
DasAmebas's Avatar
I think being polite and respectful to a provider just like you would any other person you meet is the way to go. Seeing as they are in fact people.

I doubt anyone wants to be squeezed and prodded like cattle by someone they just met.
I wouldn't appreciate my butt being squeezed first thing when we meet in a civ date. I wouldn't appreciate it in a professional date either.....I'm sure not all providers would feel this way, but you're about to touch a provider's body in a few minutes anyway, why risk a bad start? Why risk making her uncomfortable? Originally Posted by ZorahMatta
Thanks for sharing. I know you're just one, but I believe more feel that way!
SknyDiva's Avatar
If a lady gets "BUTT HURT" Because you grabbed her ass..... well I don't mind but we all have different boundaries I suppose.
Mr.Incognito's Avatar
Will do Diva!
Mr.Incognito's Avatar
Thank u ladies and gentlemen for the advice. To the providers I will only squeeze your ass out of respect during my good bye hug.😜