Ol’ Doc is Calling All Active Members on the Ol’ Miss Board Out. Guys, Gals, All of Ya!!!

DocHolyday's Avatar
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Marshal Doc Holyday coming to ya from the Texas and ECCIE Badlands. Ol’ Doc gets around the Boards and knows what the heck is happening around ECCIE. Today I want to shine the light on what is NOT happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board.

What is Not happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board is a bunch of unnecessary trolling, fighting, backstabbing, he said / she said crap, White Knighting and general BS DRAMA!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I like how you folks are operating in Ol’ Miss. You guys and gals remind me a lot of the South TX & West TX Boards where people get along, share information, and help each other out without the drama found on some other Boards.

What is going on in Ol’ Miss. Does not go unnoticed. IMHO, your Board operates how this website should operate and in line with what the site was created for, INFORMATION EXCHANGE, NOT DRAMA EXCHANGE and WASTED bandwidth on troll threads!!!! So I’m calling all of ya out and saying, GREAT JOB!!! Give yourselves a BIG hand!! That goes for you to RL. IMHO, you’re right up there in the top tier Mod. List.

I encourage all of ya to keep up the great camaraderie you have going and expand on it. Gentlemen, go into detail in the reviews. Tell us what is so great about the lovely ladies you are meeting. Tell us why it was such a great meeting IN DETAIL!! Ladies, if you’re having an issue(s) about something, bring it to the guys attention on here. The members here do a pretty good job policing the problem children. So ladies, gentlemen, keep up the great job you’re doing in Ol’ Miss. That goes for you to RL!! As for Marshal Holyday, I’m headed back into the ECCIE badlands to spread truth, justice and comic relief where possible. Adios!!
Doc, you are a great member here and I'm glad you hang out with us on the MS board! And that has to be one of the most entertaining posts I've ever read.

I do have to admit I inherited a great place, JaG and Vic did all the work, I'm just the lucky guy that gets the benefits of what they did. All I have to do is not screw it up.

There's some good people here and I'm glad to hang with them.
HoundstoothBear's Avatar
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

I think you are correct about the MS board, at least most of the time. There have been some stressors, but they've been few, thankfully. RL is doing a great job as moderator, and I am proud to consider him a friend.

Glad you've been able to visit with us and hope you'll stay around.

Good post Doc, I agree......
tx Easy Rider's Avatar
(Ron Burgandy voice) You stay classy Mississippi
Vivian Gates's Avatar
Great post!!
Moonchild's Avatar
The boards with drama are more exciting to read.grab some popcorn and enjoy the show
Justsumguy13's Avatar
Thanks for the good laugh Doc. That was a fun read and I'm glad to have found such a good place to hang out.
Ms Francisca's Avatar
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Marshal Doc Holyday coming to ya from the Texas and ECCIE Badlands. Ol’ Doc gets around the Boards and knows what the heck is happening around ECCIE. Especially knowledgeable on BBFS

Today I want to shine the light on what is NOT happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board.

since he is not in Ol'Miss the lovely ladies here will not be harassed for bbfs nor be shorted on their rates

What is Not happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board is a bunch of unnecessary trolling, fighting, backstabbing, he said / she said crap, White Knighting and general BS DRAMA!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Doc, dont harass or short any providers around here and I'm sure you will not have all that BS here. Unless someone decides to do a little research on you....

That goes for you to RL. IMHO, you’re right up there in the top tier Mod. List. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Doc, maybe if you had taken a few pointers from RL, and not shorted or harassed ladies for bbfs, your mod carrier might of lasted longer than 3 days.....

O'l Miss, don't let this fool fool ya. Search his handle ladies!!

I guess you all didn't get the memo but Dick Holyday is a nasty ass barebacking bastard.

Go here... https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2098479

He's getting desperate now because he knows he's screwed up. There are alerts on him everywhere. Ladies be careful. Ladies and gentlemen, don't let his nasty ass fool you. Have a wonderful day.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Gentlemen, go into detail in the reviews ... Originally Posted by DocHolyday
The 'ol marshal is hisself known for going "into detail" in his own writings. I, for one, find his reviews quite informative.

Sample: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1729459
Ms Francisca's Avatar
I guess you all didn't get the memo but Dick Holyday is a nasty ass barebacking bastard.

Go here... https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2098479

He's getting desperate now because he knows he's screwed up. There are alerts on him everywhere. Ladies be careful. Ladies and gentlemen, don't let his nasty ass fool you. Have a wonderful day. Originally Posted by Majestycctx
Thanks for the information Majesty. I was getting ready to PM Road Lizard about this thread now I don't have to. Some of us just don't have the time to dig.

BTW, I'll never forget the times we spent together in
Corpus. Your a lovely lady.
Thanks for the information Majesty. I was getting ready to PM Road Lizard about this thread now I don't have to. Some of us just don't have the time to dig.

BTW, I'll never forget the times we spent together in
Corpus. Your a lovely lady. Originally Posted by slim deez
I miss you Slim Deez!! Shoot me a text or email anytime! 💋💋💋
Maybe I need to make a trip to Mississippi and visit you.