I thought she was the one that just joined us and got verified? So how did she get verified and she is giving bad service. Sorry you took one for the team. I sent her a PM and never got messaged back. Glad she didn't saved my cash for another day.
Dback, I clipped your post and started a new thread here as this is an important question that comes up from time to time. So what does "verified" mean?
Basically it means that she has submitted info to the staff showing that she is a legit provider, and not involved with LE. Providers do this by some combination of several things; reviews on other known sites, personal websites, personal vouches from other known providers and/or gentlemen.
It does NOT mean that we have personally verified or vouch for her service levels or her truth in advertising standards. We are simply a message board that gives us all, the members, a network to exchange information amongst escorts and clients. Reviews and discussion are still the best way to research a particular lady to see if she provides the level of service that you expect. Everyone of us, on both sides, has been burned at one time or another but unfortunately, its part of the process and will always be. The good news is that the poor services ladies and gentlemen are called out pretty quickly and they either change their ways or they move on.
Like it or not, this is still one of the few national sites that we have relatively free exchanges and discussion of these matters.
Oh I know Chica Chaser we get a few bad apples now and then. Just sucks that someone vouched for her and she is not as advertised. At least we know now to stay away.
Keep up the good work on the board.