I am sad to say my grankids lost their mother the other day in an horrible accident and I am trying to get custody of them, so at this time I have removed all my pictures and I will not be availavle untill further notice. I have lost a few close people to me in last few months and now this has really taken a toll on me. I want to say sorry that i wont be able to visit for a bit. My hobby phone will be shut off and put up but if anyone needs to use me as reference please contact me here and I will respond as soon as possible. I do ask for prayers for her family and these beautiful young children. Again I am sorry and hope to see you all real soon!! Have a great time and as always play safe!!!

GeorgeDRII's Avatar
I'll pray for u and your family. Remember the good times of the ones u have lost. Their memories will always b with u! God bless u for taking care of your grandchildren. They will need your love
I'll pray for u and your family. Remember the good times of the ones u have lost. Their memories will always b with u! God bless u for taking care of your grandchildren. They will need your love Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
+1 try to stay strong
ck1942's Avatar
Sincerest condolences to you and to family.

Life is never easy.

Stay strong!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Very very sorry to hear about your loss. Hang in there the best you can and keep up the good work you're doing by those little ones. xoxoxoxo

Kelli Ann
levi tab's Avatar
Very sorry for your losses Liz
May the good Lord watch over you and yours during these trying times.
I am so very sorry for your losses.
May God comfort you and provide you peace.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Ladies and gentlemen, please take a moment and let us pray.

Lord, watch over Liz and these children. Bring them comfort in their hour of need. Help ease their sorrow from this tragic loss. Welcome this mother into your flock as she passes from this world into the next. Finally Lord, we ask that you guide and bring peace to this family as they move into their next phase of life, facing the reality of their terrible loss. Amen.

May God bless you Liz and these children.
I'm not a religious man but that was nice what you wrote Doc.

Guera, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine having to bury one of you children. Your doing right by making them your priority and I applaud you.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Thanks KR but I can imagine how devastated Liz must be. I know I would be if one of my children or grandchildren were to pass away. I really feel bad for Liz and her grandchildren. They need all the kinds words, prayers and devine help that they can get.
Prayers sent to you sweetie XOXO I hope everything works out for you in the long run. Stay strong beautiful. I pray it all works out for you darling. XOXO
I want to thank everyone for their kind words and prayers that you are sending out this was not my daughter these are my son's children but either way these babies lost their mother and my heart goes out to the family of their mom she loved her children deeply and now it's my time to step up and raise her beautiful children but again I think everyone for your kind words and prayers
Guest010619's Avatar
I think it's wonderful that you will be raising these children and give them a close family tie through the years. I know it's tough to lose a loved one. I especially would extend docs well said prayer to your son and hope that as time goes on, he will heal.
Seeing that his children are well cared for will help him through these painful years.
trippplextc8's Avatar
Stay strong...