Main Stream Media Going Insane Over Trump-Putin Meeting.

They have all hired "body language experts". Resident Psyco-Babble guest are on hand. Panels are in place to anylize every little nuance, every handshake, did an eyebrow rise, did a shoulder slouch, who will win.

There hasn't been this much hype since the Ali-Frazier fights.

I suppose in a few hours we will all know if all of this hype is warranted.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-07-2017, 09:26 AM
They are about profit... they giving the audience what it wants...same as Fox
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
in a few hours this thread will be filled with posts from the usual suspects shouting "Collusion! Conspiracy! .. we told you so!!"


there is not and won't ever be any actual proof Trump directly colluded with Russia to win the election.

Russia didn't change one actual vote. that's been confirmed. did they influence votes? not nearly as much as some want to believe.

i personally think it was Seth Rich who gave all those DNC emails to wikileaks. of course we might know the true source is if the DNC would have allowed the FBI to examine their servers eh?

why didn't the FBI subpoena the servers? the DNC has no special immunity. because Obama didn't want them to. his lackey, Lynch blocked it. and that meeting with Bill was just about Golf and Grand kids yeah?? bahaaaa

remember snowflakes .. the media meddling Russia undoubtedly did do was in direct retaliation for Obama and Clinton's own attempts to meddle with Russian elections. and they would have done it no matter who the Republican nominee was.
bambino's Avatar
Trump tweeted everyone at the G20 was talking how Podesta prevented the FBI and CIA from examine the CIA servers. That drove Podestta nuts.
Trump tweeted everyone at the G20 was talking how Podesta prevented the FBI and CIA from examine the CIA servers. That drove Podestta nuts. Originally Posted by bambino

I B Hankering's Avatar

Originally Posted by wordup666
Claiming Podesta in no manner controlled what the DNC did is equivalent to hildebeest telling her story about being under sniper fire in Bosnia, Ekim the Inbred Chimp version .02
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump doesn't care!