Table Shower?

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I googled this and it talks about some sort of table that you get on and a sheet of plastic of some sorts goes over you and you don't get wet, but it shoots water across ya. I've been in several different massage parlors in my life and I've NEVER seen such a contraption. And I'm not even sure, that is what hobbiest are referring to when they ask about, "Are Table Showers Offered There?" Am I missing something, or are yall talking about legitimate tables? I've heard of women pissing on guys and it being called a shower. Just not sure what is being referred to at times. I'm new at this, so that's why I'm asking.
My experiences with table showers, have mostly been at Asian Massage Parlors, where you lay down on a raised padded, water proof table and the mamasan scrubs you head to toe, with soap and water. Then washes you down with warm water. I really miss that, LOL. Then you have BDSM providers who will give you a golden shower, which is where they pee on you. The contraption you speak of where you don't get wet is usually offered at fitness centers as a form of massage after a work out.
  • Pmon
  • 07-13-2017, 01:11 AM must have googled using safe search. Table showers are found mostly at AMPs as described above. Places that offer them tend to offer full service.