Electronic Components Question

boomvang's Avatar
This is driving me crazy and that's not a long drive. I have been trying conventional ways to ask this question for an hour and no luck. Somewhere in ECCIEdome there is a nerd that will know this.

I need a Thermistor SL32 2R025. I would like to walk into a store in Tarrant County preferably on Saturday morning and buy one.

Frye's says on the phone that they don't have them and Radio Shack es muerto as near as I can tell.

I will appreciate all the help I can get on this. I can find one online is 30 seconds, but I want it NOW.

Please don't get technical with me. I own a soldering iron, but I am dangerous with it.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Amazon has same day delivery on some products in Dallas now. I have no idea if this is one of them, but that might be worth looking into, especially if you are already in AmazonPrime. Then delivery is "free" (actually zero marginal cost).
Have you tried Grainger? Seems like something they might carry.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Try Mouser Electronics (mouser.com)..They're in Mansfield, but only open on weekdays. They show nearly 1800 available for $2.37 each, price drops with quantity purchases.
dallasfan's Avatar
Your only bet for this weekend is to find a Ebay seller in dallas and ask them if you can pick up this weekend. May have to make it worth their wild.

Otherwise online or possibly allied electronics on Monday.
netman's Avatar
I live in Dallas County so I don't know of stores in Tarrant County that sell electronic components.

With that said...

You might want to call Tanner Electronics (http://www.tannerelectronics.com). This is my local go to place for electronic components.

If you live near a Fry's, I would still make the trip to the store and look around.

You might also want to try Altex (www.altex.com). They do have a store in FortWorth (and Dallas) but I doubt they stock Thermistors but worth giving them a call.

Atlas Electronics (http://www.atlaselectronicsinc.com) might also carry what you are looking for.

Micro Center in Dallas (http://www.microcenter.com) also has a small hobby section so you may want to give them a call as well but like Altex, I doubt they stock Thermistors but worth giving them a call.

Regarding Radio Shack... if I am not mistaken some of them are now independently owned so you may want to call the stores that are near you and ask.

Last but not least, you might want to try local electronic repair shops and ask if they would be willing to sell you one (if they have it in stock). Just tell them you are in a bind and need one really bad. Most of them are "Mom and Pop" businesses and willing to help a neighbor in need and knowing that good "word of mouth" can help them get future business.

Hope that helps.

Please don't get technical with me. I own a soldering iron, but I am dangerous with it. Originally Posted by boomvang

FunInDFW's Avatar
Google "electronics parts store". Call all that pop up, drive to one that has it. If no one has it, ask then if they k own who would. Why on Earth would it have to come to posting on here to find that?
boomvang's Avatar
Google "electronics parts store". Call all that pop up, drive to one that has it. If no one has it, ask then if they k own who would. Why on Earth would it have to come to posting on here to find that? Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Where else could I reach so many people so easily? This is the sandbox and this is off topic.

Thanks everyone else. I thought of Amazon TexasTush but they want a $25 order which I could make out of my wishlist easy. I did that yesterday for some clothes pins that were $1.70 each. Don't ask because I'm not telling on that on.

This is a $2 part. We killed Radio Shack with our online habits. I'm sitting here in the Hometown of Tandy Corp and I can't find a Thermistor to save my life.

That was before I had these good suggestions though. I will report back with how this turns out.

Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 07-15-2017, 12:02 PM
Why on Earth would it have to come to posting on here to find that? Originally Posted by FunInDFW
He was hoping that a provider may happen to have one in their huge handbag.
boomvang's Avatar
Google "electronics parts store". Call all that pop up, drive to one that has it. If no one has it, ask then if they k own who would. Why on Earth would it have to come to posting on here to find that? Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Because in case you hadn't picked up on this there is quite the cross section of humanity reading this board. They can't think about the next provider on their list all the time. I was hopping someone my have an additional hobby or even have professional insight. Looks to me like it worked too. Not to stir up anything but who made you the Mr Stephens of the sandbox? I'll have the Penne al arrabiata.

He was hoping that a provider may happen to have one in their huge handbag. Originally Posted by Groot
That's where they keep what ever I forgot to lock up. I recently had to replace my nose hair trimmers.

Netman that was some good information and would probably found me one had I started earlier today. The electronics service community only works half a day on Saturday at all. I didn't know Granger's had retail stores. (closed at noon).

I put a request out on thumbtack maybe that will get me one. If not I'll order one online this evening.

Thanks for all the help.


+1 on mouser. Call them once you find the part in their online catalog and they'll have it ready for pickup at the will call window when you get there.
boomvang's Avatar
+1 on mouser. Call them once you find the part in their online catalog and they'll have it ready for pickup at the will call window when you get there. Originally Posted by MILFEater
I think that's exactly what I will do first thing Monday. From what I have read this is a common failure for the board in question. A drive to Mansfield for a $2.37 part beats the hell out of a new $190 PCB
dallasfan's Avatar
Think mouser is online only. Better call before you make the trip.
maxim_232's Avatar
Mouser has always been mu go-to for parts because you pay for ground and get it overnight. Always delt with them online though. Tanner and Altex are my places for "need it now" stuff, but hit or miss on getting what you need.