In-call rental somewhere between San Antonio and San Marcos?

I'm new to the community, so first off, hi!
I've been really happy with my reception on P411 thus far
though I haven't gotten any reviews yet (that I know of.)

I'm wondering about in-call locations that might be able to be rented,
somewhere between San Antonio and San Marcos. I'm probably just
going to be here for a week before going to work in Louisiana but then hope
to be back after doing a tour over there.

I've read some of the posts about in-call locations for rent, and while some
seem like they're really trying to make a lot of money off of two or three women, I'm wondering-- what's generally a fair price for an in-call rental. Obviously it'd be nice to not have to pay 4 star hotel rates on a daily basis (which is why I've only done outcall thus far.)

anyway, any general information is appreciated, and any one who's offering
in-call rentals in this part of Texas, please let me know.

Oh--and since I saw this mentioned in another post as a possible factor--I do not do half hour meets. I do 60-90 minute meets.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Maybe a mod can provide direction here, but all real estate is local. Youwill have more luck (exposure) posting on a local board if that is allowed.

My primary comment, though, is there is a huge difference between renting a place and sharing a place.

Assume you are sharing a place, you are inheriting all of her business practices (& friends). I would "screen" a "roommate" with much more vigor than any client.

Are you looking to share a place where more than one of you might be "entertaining" at the same time? Some clients could care less but for some a huge turnoff.