Thank you.....

Thank you NWA for another fantastic trip!! It was wonderful seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I hope to be able to return in a few weeks, so if you missed me this time or just need another "Shelby Fix", I look forward to hearing from you!!!

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!!

Kisses & Licks,
I'd also like to thank all the NWA guys for an excellent time!!

And a VERY SPECIAL THANKS to the SillyGirls, Alyse & Silja! You guys were so helpful & I had so much fun... I don't know what I would've done with out you!

And Randi & Harley--it was wonderful to finally meet you!

We hope you can grab cocktails with us next time, Miss Shelby!
I would have loved to have met ya'll and hate that I missed meeting the Silly Girls, but the Silly Boys were lots of fun too. Thank You Miss Randi for lunch it was great seeing you again!!! Sorry I missed catching up with Harley.
Looks like I missed out on all the fun! AGAIN! ;-(