If I do happen to offer a birthday special it is valid for that birthday. Please don't text me 7months down the road asking me for your birthday special. It is no longer your birthday. Not to mention he called the day before to cancel our appt when I did offer the birthday special to him so why in the fuck would I still offer that special to him?? He should've showed up to his discounted appt back then.
This is why I rarely offer discounts anymore cause some guys don't seem to understand that a special isn't a new forever rate, it's a special. The rate goes back to what it was. Why negotiate? If you can't afford to play don't think up excuses and think I'm dumb enough to follow along. This is my business, this is how I pay my bills. When and if I want to offer a birthday special I'll decide that and proposition it to the birthday boy, not the other way around.
Thank you.