New Photos Post!

Perfect Playmate's Avatar

More to come this week...
sailorman1980's Avatar
More? Damn, it's already hot enough around here.
Karismatic_Kiley's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar
wow sexy
Wolfy58's Avatar
Yes more please!😃
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Kiley, Dallas, Sailor & Wolfy!!!!
Thank you all!!! You guys/gals are sweet...
I will be taking more this week...
I have a few more from this set I took as well...
I may share
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Wolfy58's Avatar
sailorman1980's Avatar
Wow, you really need to stop by El Paso on your way back from Bismark. Damn. Time for a shower now.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Actually, I will passing threw El Paso on my way to Bismarck. I have to go to Phoenix before heading north. Sooooo... if there is any interest in El Paso I can stop for one day. I wouldn't be there more then one day but I can stop!
+1 EP
sailorman1980's Avatar
When would you be stopping sweetie? I'd love to see you if possible.
DallasRain's Avatar
I would so do you baby!
MrD662's Avatar
+1 for ElPaso.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
*checks in several times a day to perv <3*