What is a 'stripper Slide'?

I read about guys mentioning that they got a "stripper slide" from a provider, but I can't find any info on it. I've tried Urban Dictionary and Google search--no luck. Can anyone describe to me what a stripper slide is? Appreciate it!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
enter the word in the "keyword" search at the top of page
shorty's Avatar
Here we go again!!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
most know better so put your popcorn away shorty lol
Found it, thanks SNL!

I don't want to open up an old can of worms, so let's drop it here, okay? Thanks!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Your welcome, all good
TechOne's Avatar
Is that performed with andouille or polska kielbasa?
bigmarv's Avatar
The best stripper slide I ever had was from my favorite stripper. Life is good.
mssassy's Avatar