Just read that he had contributed $50,000 to Rahm Emmanuel's mayoral campaign in Chicago.
I think it is possible that some years ago Trump switched parties to be a Republican mole. He has been "awakened" and is now a psuedo candidate garnering all kinds of publicity for keeping the "Birther" question foremost in Republican and Tea Baggs minds.
CNN just sent an investigative team and came back with a report that it is all bullshit. Trump now says his guys say it is "missing." The former Secretary of State(a Republican) says she has seen it and it is all legit and Faith was not a box on the form. The only way you could get a birth announcement in the paper is if you were notified by the Health Department.
Now Trump thinks something is funny that Obama got to attend Ivy League Schools. Says he wasn't qualified to get in and lots of his white friends have smart kids that did not get to go.
Now really I believe maybe Donald Trump is working for Obama's campaign and making the Republicans look pretty stupid when he leads their polling. I bet he is laughing his ass off and will continue to drop big $50,000 donations on Dems whenever he wants.