For those of you not paying attention (yes, I'm talking about you WTF) this is the United States of America and we have a Constitution that enumerates our rights. It does not grant them because according to the founders our rights come from nature or God, your choice. That piece of parchment just goes the extra length to define what they are because some of the founder didn't trust government to keep a promise (smart founders indeed). One right that is inheritant is the right to bitch, moan, complain, and otherwise sometimes make a fool of themselves (yes, you Assup). Sometimes according to the courts this right can be taken too far and now it has. Maxine Waters, village idiot, corruptocrat, and US representative, has been calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump. So far so good. She is free to look like an idiot and to ignore the lawful election of a president. She is free to oppose the will of the states, the Constitution, and reality. However, she has now come out against Mike Pence which I take as an act of insurrction and treason. The first is a personal thing, she doesn't like Trump. Okay, but now she is talking about over turning the results of an election and the votes of millions of citizens. She has also come out in support of illegal activities. Namely the leaking of vital, confidencial phone calls which jeopardize national security. On the View Maxine said she welcomed more leaks. Leaks that are not just hurting Trump the man but leaks that are hurting the presidency going forward.
Maxine Waters is a traitor to this country and I'm sure that some here will stand up for her treason and rush to join her cause. Just remembet the fate of traitors in the end.
This is an evil, stupid woman.