The governor of West Virginia just decided that the democrat party had left him behind and unable to help the people of West Virginia. So what is a democrat based on what they have supported or enspoused:
A democrat believes that Hispanic people have more rights than white people. (see immigration legislation)
A democrat believes that black people have more rights than Hispanic or white people. (see black lives matter)
A democrat believes that women have more rights that men. (see divorce and abortion laws)
A democrat believes that gay people have more rights than women. (see bathroom laws)
A democrat believes that transgender people have more rights than gay people. (note how fast gay rights were trumped (see what I did there?) by transgender rights)
A democrat believes that anyone black, Hispanic, women, gay, or transgender are not authenic unless they enspouse liberal/progressive beliefs. (note the venom directed at anyone who likes Trump or Bush irregardless of all the rest)
A democrat thinks that the military is useful for social adventurism but not for military internvention. (transgender, gay, but not Benghazi)
A democrat believes in the voice of the people but only if it is the same democrat view point. (the people elected Trump but the democrats can't accept that)
A democrat believes that the US Constitution is a quaint out of date piece of parchment of a bygone era. (the second amendment, the electoral college, the fourth amendment, and the tenth amendment are all attack by the democrats)
A democrat believes that a field mouse is more important than the lives of men (environmental laws)
A democrat believes more in the lives of foreign soldiers than American soldiers (the cries about dead Iraqi over the deaths of American servicemen)
A democrat believes that the North Koreans, Iraqi, and Chinese are more trustworthy than the GOP. (Trust in the treaties with all three states)
A democrat cares more about their agenda than the lives of Americans of Americans. (Unvetted Middle Eastern refugees)
A democrat believes that a baby is not a person until they are old enough to vote (for a democrat).
A democrat believes that global warming like Y2K, Bigfoot, and the new Ice Age is real
A democrat only believes in the right to privacy if it involves a corrupt politician or unborn baby.
A democrat believes that socialism works which would be the first time in the world that that would be the case.
A democrat believes violence in the name of pacifism is justified.
A democrat believes that fascism is more palatable if it is called anti-fascism.
A democrat believes that the United States is no better then any other country in the world which promotes the idea that any corruption is justified and politicians should not be held to a higher standard as they should be in an exceptional country.