Swingers club intel

Hello San Antonio!

So this weekend, I'll be entertaining a good client at a swingers club. I've done a little bit of research but I'd appreciate more feedback on the local clubs in San Antonio.

I'm super familiar with the clubs in Dallas and Houston, but SA is certainly new territory for me. We are trying to stick to San Antonio, but Austin might be a possibility as well.

Two big things me and my client are looking for:

1) A diverse crowd/mix of folks.

2) A secluded area within the club for debauchery.

Also, if anyone has went to Player's recently, please do chime in! I would certainly like to get another opinion.

sca8022's Avatar
Players is hit or miss. My wife and I used to go there a lot. Saturdays are better for a bigger crowd then Thursdays or Fridays. As with all swingers clubs it can be cliquish. I believe that Players is the only club left in SA - used to be another Mystique but it shut down. Players has a nice play area and even some private VIP areas. PM if you need more info!
Thank you for much for your input! The 'Cliques' are exactly what we're trying to avoid. I'll be sending you a PM soon.
ck1942's Avatar
imo, if you want to fit in locally, be aware that, depending which night you go, the weekend crowd in San Antonio is more 40s and 50s.

Have fun!
We were hoping for a diverse crowd like collettes in Dallas. He's late 50s, but I'll just have to be sure to dress appropriately.